Rose x Lin

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It was late at night. Rose wasn't even close to tired. Insted of sleeping she was have a mental panic attack. She grabbed the only book onboard and looked for anything that may help he be the doctor instead of Emmet. The most she found was how to amputate in case of infection. The book didn't say of what.
"Infection of what? A simple flu? Necrotizing fasciitis? You have to say." This got to Rose for some strange reason. But her quietly yelling at the book awoken the other female onboard, Lin.
"What are you blabbing about?" Lin rubbed her head. It is still extremely late. "And why are you up?" Lin added.
"This book. And since we ran out of sleeping pills, I can't get sleep." Rose continued the book. Her brown hair was messy and her eyes had bags from no sleep. "Hold up." Rose got papers that she somehow hid. They had info on all the crew. "So you're mother passed away?"
"Yes." Lin mutter. It brought her memories of her family before her mother died.
"So. Did you notice anything off before that happened?" This was way to much fun for Rose. But it did relate to her passion to work in the ER. And this is the most productive thing she can do right now. Since Emmet is asleep so she can't talk to him about plans or to beg for more sleeping medicine.
"She stopped eating, got more skinny and got a lump on her side." Lin started to break down in tears.
"Hmmm." Rose stroked her chin. "Hmmmmmmmm." She suddenly stopped with the sounds with a diagnoses. "I think I may have it."
"What is it?" Lin begged to get some kind of answer.
"Could it be some kind of cancer?" Rose asked in the most empathic tone she could muster. "My vote is on skin." She tried to make Lin feel better. After all this is a strange situation. Someone Lin doesn't know personaly is now drouping a boom shell on her. She fell to her knees. Reliving the last time she ever saw her mother.
"Please don't cry. It makes me feel like I let you down..." Rose asked. She had always been scared of disappointing those she cares about. It is one of her main quirks. Yet Lin couldn't stop crying. That started to give Rose a panic attack.

The sounds filling the small pod woke Emmet. "What is going on here?" All he knows is what he sees. "Know what. You Lin. Say sorry to Rose. Rose day sorry to Lin." Emmet demanded so he can try to get back to sleep.
"Sorry." Lin faced the female named after a flower. But she was in a corner wondering if she could have done something different to change the outcome. Emmet sighed. "Great. Now she is freaking out. Lin. What did you do?" Emmet again demanded.
"Nothing." Lin snarled at Emmet.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2019 ⏰

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