6. The Thief - Part 2

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The sun began to rise again...

Despite, traveling on a wooden cart, that was shaking through the whole trip, Fade actually managed to sleep through the night. Apparently, so did Rosa who was still sound asleep. There was no reason to wake her up. She was still tied up and couldn't move too much, she would probably prefer being asleep instead of spending time with Fade.

The farmer pony informed Fade that Fillydelphia was only about half a day away so Fade thought it would be best to relax for the rest of the day. He began thinking about what to do after he would arrive in Fillydelphia. To his frustration, he didn't know what would come after that. His only goal, for now, was to hide from the Royal Guards before they would capture him for attacking his own men or escaping the dungeon of Canterlot. Everything else didn't matter.

Fade closed his eyes for a moment but he opened them up again as soon as he noticed how something was flying over him, casting shadows on his face for a second. He looked forward to seeing what it was. It was something that he didn't want to see at all at this very moment.

"Oh, no..." Fade said after he spotted what was casting these shadows.

Royal Guards.

A bunch of Pegasus Royal Guards were flying over their heads and flew along the road. They seemed to be heading in the same direction than the wooden cart. They were heading towards Fillydelphia, probably looking for him, if he was hiding there. That must have been the reason.

Fortunately, those guards seemed to have missed the wooden cart on which he was on. Either that or they were just concerned about looking for him in Fillydelphia. Whatever it was, the farmer pony was heading towards Fillydelphia which was probably filled with Royal Guards looking for him by the time they would arrive.

He had to get away. Now!

Meanwhile, Rosa was still sound asleep.
She seemed to mumble some words while sleeping.
She probably had a really nice dream...

Several years ago...

A little further away from a little town in Equestria, there was a single house that was almost separated from the town. In front of it was a large garden filled with a flower-field where an Earth Pony mare was busy taking care of it. Her coat was bright purple and her mane was an even brighter purple. Her eyes were yellow and her Cutie Mark consisted of a dark purple bellflower.

The mare watered her flowers which consisted mostly of bellflowers but there were also a lot more others that were in this field. It was really colorful and the warm smile on the mares face made it only look prettier.

But soon, her smile faded away as soon as she saw how her daughter was dragged towards her by somepony who didn't seem to be happy at all. "Bella!" The stallion said in an annoyed tone his voice.

Bella released a long sigh. "Not again..." she said bothered as she placed her watering can on the ground and walked towards the stallion.

The stallion dropped the little filly on the ground who crossed her legs and began sulking. "Bella, you really need to watch over this little devil! She almost broke some of my stuff while she tried to get her woodwork Cutie Mark!" The stallion explained angrily. The Earth Pony stallion had a gray coat and a yellow mane. His eyes were blue and on his flank was a rasp.

"I'm very sorry, Rasp I'll keep an eye on her," Bella apologized.

The stallion sighed. "You always say that. You know I can't be mad at you but I also don't want to keep bringing your daughter back because of things like this," he said a little frustrated.

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