Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Cliffheart crouched down, his eyes narrowed at his enemy as his tail lashed behind him. The black tom darted to the side and landed a blow to his opponent's shoulder.

The other cat let out a small grunt and tried to shove him away. Cliffheart easily dodged to the side and had the tom pinned beneath his large paws.

"You need to be faster, Sprucepaw." Purred the warrior as he let the apprentice up. "If I was an enemy warrior, I would've shredded you."

Sprucepaw huffed in annoyance and got to his paws. He'd only been an apprentice for a quarter moon and already was beginning to learn how to fight.

He mastered hunting in a few short days of training and Cliffheart was sure he'd make a great provider for WindClan when he gained his warrior name.

"Why don't we head back to camp?" Cliffheart suggested, shaking some grass from his fur. "You and Brookpaw are on tick duty."

Sprucepaw deflated and nodded glumly, padding towards the camp with Cliffheart trailing behind.

As they entered the camp, Cliffheart was greeted by Goldfire, who didn't look pleased. "Cliffheart," the deputy grunted. "Can you take whoever you want to the RiverClan border."

Cliffheart nodded respectively to the tom and bounded off to find the chosen cats. He poked his head inside the warriors' tunnel, only to find it empty. Shrugging his shoulders, Cliffheart scanned the clearing.

"Raccoonwhisker! Copperfur! Stonespot!" Cliffheart called, his tail flicking. "We're going to patrol the RiverClan border!"

The three toms padded towards Cliffheart and they headed out of the camp in silence. The four toms chatted a bit before they reached the RiverClan border where they fell silent.

Cliffheart flicked his tail, suspicion clawing into his chest and making its way into his mouth. "Something doesn't feel right," the tom meowed to his companions.

Copperfur nodded, his tail bristling slightly. "You're right, but what could it be?"

Stonespot twitched his ear towards the border and stiffened beside Raccoonwhisker. "I hear yowling, there must be a battle going on."

"Where?" Cliffheart asked, interested in the tom's talent. "How far away?"

Stonespot was silent for a while before he answered. "As far as the ThunderClan border, I think. I'm pretty sure ThunderClan and RiverClan are quarreling."

Raccoonwhisker looked at Copperfur and looked to Cliffheart. "Should we see if they're okay?" He asked.

Cliffheart thought it over for a second and nodded. "We have to be sure they don't kill each other." He meowed and the patrol began to sprint towards the ThunderClan border.

Memories slapped Cliffheart in the face like a leaf, making his teeth clench in anger. The scent of blood filled his nose and he wrinkled his nose in disgust.

The yowling became louder and Cliffheart forced himself to run faster. The others on the patrol struggled to keep up but he didn't care. All he wanted to do was save RiverClan from Brushstar.

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