The Cry

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Alexx's POV

I closed my locker and walked out of the building, needing some fresh air. I leaned against the brick, my nose picking up different scents. I could smell the Dusk Pack, as well as my own Ivory pack. A few hundred yards off, the forest started. The tips of the pines waved gently in the wind. It was pretty warm for September. I closed my eyes. After a few minutes, I had the strangest feeling. Someone was watching me. I peeked through a crack in my eyes. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. Except this.... aura. It seemed to radiate from the forest, powerful and dark. I growled a bit. Through the mind link, I contacted my Beta. |Jace, come out here for a bit.| I felt his confirmation and waited  After a few seconds the doors swung open and out he came. "Yes, Alpha?" I nodded to the forest. "Feel that," I asked him. He stiffened and silently cursed. "What is that?" Before I could reply, a howl ripped through the air. It was very high and clear, seemingly not directed to anyone in general. It was just... there.

Sebastian's POV

I was just leaving my last class when we heard it. I froze. Someone had howled. It was unusually high and not familiar. Will stood next to me, stock still. Immediately we rushed outside and sprinted into the trees, shifting as we ran. My clothes tore and were left behind on the ground. I tried picking up a scent, but with no avail. Finally, after what had must been a while, Will caught something. |That's no regular wolf|, he said. The scent hit me. It was very faint, but had a distinct sugary smell. I breathed in it like a drug. It seemed to have the same effect on Will.

Will's POV

This smell clogged my nose. It was intoxicating. What is this. I tried following it, but I didn't seem to lead anywhere. I was walking away when Sebastian called to me. |Wait, Will|, Seb said to me.    |Come look at this|. I turned around to see him crouched over something. He moved aside, his fur swishing. |Is that a paw print|? I asked him. There was a very small print in the mud. You might have though it was a coyote or fox, but after closer inspection you could tell it was most definitely a wolf. I sniffed it. It had the same scent. Not Dusk or Ivory.

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