The knocking on the door again persisted and I saw the mound beside me move with irritation followed by a growl of disapproval. I realised that I would have to answer this woman, whoever she was, before my companion became even more  annoyed. So I opened my mouth ready to speak loudly, when she suddenly said:

"Gwen, I'll be back in a while......... You must still be asleep, ok?". 

I held my breath as I now heard her footsteps clearly walking away before giving a sigh of relief at her continuing absence. I then looked over at the gentle breathing mound lying there next to me and decided that I would quite like to have more of the cuddles that we had been enjoying earlier.........
Perhaps it might even lead to so much more.

My stomach twisted at the thought of maybe a repeat performance of last night, for it had felt so beautiful and romantic and sensuous and electric and had been the most amazing sensation  I had ever experienced in the whole of my life.
I lay back down into the comfort of this cozy bed and snuggled up against his strong, naked back, enveloping my arms right around his torso. He felt really warm and the skin on skin contact was so very wonderful.
I heard a deep moan vibrating throughout his body as I now rested my head onto one of his shoulders.

"Has she gone?".  He now grunted.

"I believe so....... Yes".   I answered, softly and quietly.

"Good".  Came the reply, "I resent being disturbed like that".  He grumbled.

I smiled to myself and snuggled up closer towards him.

"You don't say".   I giggled into his back,  "I really didn't realise you were such a grumpy old guts in the mornings. She was only asking if I was alright". 

There was another gruff moan of discontentment from the naked body I was now embracing but as I slowly began to come out of my own sleepy state, I realised that there was now a lot of  unanswered questions.
Where in fact was I? was the most obvious one and who was that woman calling out my name anyway?

I sat up suddenly and opened my eyes wider to look around me.
This was a very familiar looking room and it certainly felt like I had been here before......... Lots of times.
It was of course, shrouded in semi darkness at the moment but I could still just about make out a few things. Things that I actually recognised from my dim and distant past.
I was now becoming more than a little confused as to my whereabouts.
The mound beside me moved, half turning over as he realised that I'd stopped cuddling him.

"What's the matter?". He asked, sleepily.

"I know this place".   I said slowly. "I've been here before".

The mound moved again but didn't speak as I continued to try and familiarise myself with everything that was around me.
I definitely knew this place, but somehow I remembered being asked last night, if I would like to go to his house, somewhere I knew I'd never ever been.
This was not his house. I was sure of that!
So now I was properly confused.
I took in a breath.

"Tell me. Who was that woman? The one calling out my name? Do you know who she was?".  I asked him, slowly.

The figure under the duvet had now rolled over onto his back but was covering up his face with his hands in an attempt to come too as he now let out a stifled yawn.

" Of course I do. And so do you. Don't be such an idiot Gwen".  He answered, through his yawn.

I thought to myself, he called me an idiot!
He really was the most grumpiest of people I'd ever met!
I turned to look at him, his face was still being covered by his hands, but I felt anger and resentment at the attitude he was now displaying.
Gone was the caring, romantic, sensual man that had taken me over and over again last night. This morning it would seem, I had woken up next to a completely different person, who was being terribly rude and totally obnoxious.
How come he had changed so dramatically since last night and why was I even here....................

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