Chapter 3

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I woke up the next day, refreshed. I don't hadn't had a nightmare last night. Frode was missing from his usual spot beside me. I figured he was up deck, probably catching fish or messing with the men.

I pulled on a new black shirt. It had a good on the back and the sleeves where ripped off. I still had my beige pants so I pulled on on my brown boots, with taupe fur sticking out. I put on my satchel and dagger holder thing.

I brushed my hair out while walking to the deck. I heard Dagur, "Ah. It's a good day to strengthen my armada. Then again, it's always a good day to strengthen my armada!"

"Yeah it is. Where's Frode?" I questioned. Dagur pointed to where Frode was stalking one of the men. I called my overgrown lizard over and he nuzzled me. Dagur patted his head and started talking to Savage about how we weren't giving them the gold and are gonna attack them. I giggled at this and skipped to my normal spot. On the railing. I plopped down on the ruff wood and Frode tilted his head, curiously. Hesitatingly he climbed on top the railing and sat on his hind legs. I had my hands in my lap so he copied.

"Dagur! Look!" I called out. I had a big grin slapped on my face. I moved my arms above my head and bent my fingers up in down moving my arms side to side. (Basically Nya) He laughed a little and shook his head before going back to Savage.

"DRAGONS! IN COMING!" Someone shouted.

Dagur responded with a, "PREPARE THE GRAPPLING HOOKS! READY THE CHAINS! It's hunting season..."

I puppy-dog-eyed Dagur and he sighed, finally giving in and let me go to take on the three dragons above us.

Cheering, I jumped on Frode, pulled my hood up, and took off. When I got high enough the riders looked shocked that I had a dragon. Frode fired a Natter like blast, towards the twins on the Zippleback.

The rider started firing back. We did a dance of dodging and firing repeatedly.

Eventually I noticed Dagur being held down by a blonde and a brunette. Quickly I lowered Frode and jumped from his back. I landed on the blonde. My thighs where on her back and arms and I yanked her head up. Swiftly I placed and dagger to her throat, threatening to slice it if the brunette made one wrong move.

"Olli!" Dagur called out.

"I don't know what you did. And you probably deserved this. But your paying me, aND I WANT ANOTHER 5% FOR THIS!" I growled at him.

A Deadly Natter and a Razor Whip jumped out to protect their riders. I signaled for Frode to prepare a Night Fury's plasma blast when he landed behind me.

"WINDSHEAR! FINISH IT!" The girl called out. I applied more pressure on the blonde. "No, Heather, don't! You promised us a capture mission," the blonde told, Heather, the brunette. "Sorry, Astrid. I changed my mind. Dagur didn't "capture" my village. So this ends here. Same for you, 'Olli!" She barked.

"Heather! If you kill me Olli will kill you and you'll never k-"

"Shut it Dagur before I kill you myself!" I yelled. Suddenly Hiccup and Toothless appeared. Hiccup yelled out stop and landed on the deck. He talked to Heather.

"Look. You told me your father gave you this," Hiccup held up a horn. I let go of Astrid and made her sit beside me.

"He did- what are you doing?" Heather questioned.

"This is my father's chief seal!" Hiccup exclaimed.

I leaned over to Astrid, "his father is Stoick the Vast right?" She nodded her head, eyes not leaving the scene in front of her. I noticed Dagur trying to get free and discreetly slipped him a tiny dagger.

"I'm saying years ago, Stoick gave this horn to the Chief of the Berserker tribe, Oswald the Agreeable, as a gift for his newborn daughter. You were that newborn, Heather. Oswald the Agreeable is your father. And he is also Dagur's father..."

"You have a sister? And I don't know this why, boss?" I looked at Dagur.

"I have to admit, you never disappoint, brother. Or maybe your actually my uncle. Who knows in this crazy world?" Dagur laughed as he broke free from his restraints. "Heather, I'm the only family you've got left. Join me, sister! Don't fight destiny. I know you feel the Berserker blood flowing through you veins."

She glared at him and took off. "What are you doing? Come back, sis! "Heather the Unhinged" has a nice ring to it, no? You'll be back and I will welcome you with open arms! We'll have to wait on that reunion. Pit-" he was cut off by me slapping the back of his head.


I enjoyed writing this chapter 😊 word count: 820

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