Chapter 2: Orange Slice

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It's been a week since we were attacked. Just seven days since I saw the horrific, green reptile shooting me with his bullet. Clouds floated above my head across the blue sky as I sharply inhaled the cold oxygen. The air smelled crisp with a hint of snow falling soon. The chilly wind blew into my empty apartment behind me from the balcony I stood on. 

Slowly, I notice a tall tree as all the leaves and petals left the poor thing bare on this winter day. Everything was peaceful, for now, I guess. I casually combed my thick white hair, until I saw a tall shadowy figure. My hair fell in front of my eye, covering my vision of the person. Quickly, I pulled my hair out of the way only to find the figure gone. 

My breathing rate started to increase as I backed away from the porch and into my living room. "That could have just been Xander. He's always in the shadows, right?" Calming myself down, I told myself I couldn't panic. Right now it's not the time to freak out, but it was quiet, too quiet. DING, DONG! Yelping, I was startled by the person ringing my doorbell. "Who is it?" I asked. However, the person on the other side of the door remained. 

Cautiously, I walked towards my door as I opened it. However, I find nothing but a brightly colored package on the ground. 'I didn't order anything.' Peeking left and right, I still find nobody. Not a single person who could have left this box.  Walking back into my apartment, I pulled out a broom from the kitchen. Anything could be in this package. It could be a bomb for all I know. 

It could be from, Gator. Shivering, I couldn't forget the pain when he shot me. It felt like an actual bullet ripping through my skin, tearing it apart. However, when I looked at myself, there was no blood. Just numbness tickling across my body. Before I could say anything, I couldn't move. As if I had no limbs what so ever. Falling forward as if I was shot by an actual bullet of metal. 

Using the broom, I slowly poked it into my living room. Bit by bit, I quietly braced myself for any sudden explosion. Settling onto my sofa, I stared at the box. Feeling stupid, I felt like I was having a staring competition. "Please don't kill me," I muttered under my breath.

 The box was heavy when I poked it into my home. It was either open it or throw it out the window. Sighing, I extended my arm. Time was slowing down as I lifted the tab with ease. Peeking into the package, I was disappointed and somewhat relieved too.

 All there was were three cans of soda. Picking one up, I stared at the orange metallic can. My faced blurred over the beautiful metal, as if I was looking into a mirror. Scoffing, I placed the soda back onto the table. Taking out the rest, I noticed a note on the bottom.

The white paper was folded and wrinkled as if it was shoved between the cans of orange soda. Not to mention, but there was no brand. Just a beautiful metallic orange color covering the can can, assuming that it's orange-flavored soda. I pulled out the note, opening it as I hoped to find my answer of who gave me this box of soda cans.'

Dear Shu, 

       I hope you enjoy my little gift. They're one of a kind in a matter of fact. Such a delicious drink for you to enjoy. Bring some along with you on your journey to my home. You won't regret it. Seriously, bring one or people will die. 

Love, your friend, 


"No, no, no, no, no, no, NO, NOOOOOOOOOO! I screamed. Taking the can from my table, I ran out of my apartment. Locking the door behind me, I began to sprint for Hoji's house. What's going on!? Why so early!? Why can't I just call the FBI that a crazy man is threatening us!? Oh wait, I can't because I'm barely a teen! 

But, why Hoji! Out of all people!? He was a kind boy, never did anything wrong and never could. Ryota was just a child and Hoji is a blader just trying to improve!

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