"Don't be silly, you have no idea how many times I wished for nights like this when I was growing up."

"We haven't really talk about it" As soon as I heard that I realized that it was true. We have been dating for the last six months but we haven't really got in too deep about our families affairs. 

"Just know that today for the first time ever, I felt like I had a real family." 

"And you do. We all love you so much and that's what family is all about, no blood or how long we've known each other, love is greater than all of that."  I felt a single tear coming down my face.  I was really blessed to have this man in my life.

"I love you, Aaron!" I said giving him the biggest hug that I could. 

He kissed my forehead "I'll see you tomorrow. Beautiful!" He said after a slow kiss.

"I'll see you in Houston" I said with a little smile. 

I walked into my building and I just could not stop smiling. The old man at the front desk greeted me  and I greeted him back. As I walked into the elevator I felt so light. Like I could just pick up and start flying right about now. 

I walked into the apartment to find out that my dad had just entered as well.

"Hi, Skip!" I said when I spotted him walking out of the kitchen.

"Hey, honey!"  My dad said loosing up his tie.

"How come you are getting home just now?" I said trying to act normal.

There was a weird look in his face. I couldn't really read it.

"You know I drove Steph and we just chatted for a little bit" He said walking towards me.

"You and Steph have been getting close lately" I said fishing for a late night confession.  

It was true they had been getting close and I kinda liked it. 

Stephanie was in her mid 30s and My dad was 44. It's cool to be 23 and have such a young dad. Stephanie had never been married and my dad never re-marry or had a serious relationship after my mom. He had a couple of girlfriends but it never became serious enough.

"She is a great girl" My dad said trying to hide the smile that was on the corner of his mouth.

"Yeah, she is the best! I love her" I said as I walked into my room. 

I wanted to let him know that if there was something going on between them I was good with it. For my dad it was hard to date after my mom. She left when I was seven. Her career took off and suddenly she was to busy to have a family.

My dad was really heartbroken but that was 16 years ago. He needed to get out there. I wanted him to experience love again and I think Stephanie was a very good candidate.

As I took off my dress I realized that the perfume from Aaron's blazer had transferred to my dress and I loved it. I wanted to sleep on this dress just to feel closer to Aaron if that was even possible. 

I had become so used to Aaron it was crazy. I loved being near him just to talk to him. He made me feel like I was so important the way in which he plays attention to every detail and how he listens to what I have to say. I had never had that before asides from my father.  Aaron just makes me feel so loved and that's all I wanted  to do too. I want to make him feel my love. 

I heard a soft knock on my door. "Come in!" I said knowing that it was most definitely  dad.

"Hey honey!" My dad said popping his head on my door. 

"What's up?" I said noticing the doubt on his voice.

"I just wanted to make sure that you were good with today" He said as he walked towards my bed.

"I loved today dad!" I said unable to hold back my smile.

"I know that I should've talk with you first but I wanted to surprise you. I can tell that you love New York. I know that maybe you don't remember when we lived here before but it was quite something" He made a pause and I can imagine what was going through his mind. Some of the worst times for us had happen in New York, but now we were re-writing those memories.

"I don't care about our time here before. This year has been the best of my life. I love it here and I love that I know that we'll be back next year." I didn't want to talk about the time when  we lived here before. I wouldn't let the memories of how my mother left us for the glamorous life, affect everything that happened early today.

"I'm glad that you are happy honey, I know that Aaron has a lot to do with it" He said seating on my bed. I couldn't help it but smile at the mention of Aaron. 

"Yeah he may a little bit to do with it" I said trying not to sound like a little girl.

"He told me that you were worried about meting his parents, but by the way it looks you managed that well"  I loved the smile on my father's face. It was so real and pure. 

"Well, I am my father's daughter after all" We both laughed at my comment. 

"Patty and Wayne are just good people they are so kind. Everything you expect from Aaron's parents honestly"

"I couldn't agree more. They make me feel right at home," 

"That's great honey" 

"Today was awesome. I loved it we should have more dinners like that!" I said still excited about early tonight.

"Well hopefully there is many more family events soon" My dad said getting up. 

"Yeah, hopefully there is some champagne involved" I said hitting at a possible American League Championship. 

"Hopefully, yes" He said starting to walk towards the door.

"Goodnight dad, I love you" I said as he reached the door.

"I love you more, honey" He said right before closing the door behind him.

The family dinner was amazing but I have to say that just the way Aaron finds a way for us to have private moments even in the middle of crazy days like today he just has this amazing way of being the best boyfriend ever.  I was so glad to call him mine. I just had to let him know.

I grabbed my phone and send a text to Aaron

"Thank you for the most amazing night. I don't know how you do it but every minute with you is better than the one before. I love you Aaron James."

I hit send and placed my phone in my night stand. As soon as I turned off the light and I found myself in the dark of the night I realized how tired I was. Good days are tiresome too but just the good kind. 

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