Chapter 25: Welcome Back to the Land of Confusion

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"Arrowheart, it's been so long! I've missed you so much!" She mews excitedly.

The last time she'd been this happy was when she had met Duskstep at Four Trees. This happiness originated from a different type of love, but it filled her with a warmth all the same.

"Nightrose, I've missed you too." Arrowheart murmurs gently.

The tall black tom rubs his head against her own, giving her an easy to see vision of his blue eyes. The blue was a ethereal blue, the brightness of it unusual to find in a cat. Nightrose doubts that any other cat could have eyes quite like her brother.

"Hey! Don't forget about us!" Sparkpaw says. Nightrose and Arrowheart brake apart to look at Sparkpaw, who had Patchfur and surprisingly Simon at her side.

"Simon, what in StarClan's name are you doing here?" She asks.

Simon opens his mouth to speak, but is cut off as Blossomstar comes into view. Vultureclaw is a foreboding presence at her side, his tabby tail flicking behind him. His amber eyes are narrowed on Arrowheart in particular, so much so that Nightrose wonders if Vultureclaw suspects Arrowheart knowing the truth. The knowledge that Vultureclaw murdered Foxtail was a heavy weight for Nightrose and the others to bare. She could only hope that the secret did not have to be kept hidden for much longer.

"Arrowheart, Patchfur and Sparkpaw. I assume that you were successful in retrieving WolfClan. Specklefoot's patrol spotted you guys and the werecats crossing over into the moors earlier today." Blossomstar said.

Nightrose felt a flicker of surprise at the unspoken knowledge that the clan leader had not bothered to share this news with the rest of HunterClan yet. It didn't exactly make that much of a difference, though she would've personally liked to know as early as possible that her brother had managed to safely return.

But I guess she doesn't have to tell us anything, now does she?

If her meetings with Duskstep had taught her anything, it was that the Clan leaders hardly ever felt the need to share everything with their Clan mates. The FaerieClan leader was apparently the exact same way. There was a word for how she felt, for how Duskstep felt too.

It is resentment.

Nightrose felt uneasy at all the secrets the Clan hold. She knew that hers, Arrowheart's, Sparkpaw's, Goldenclaw's and Patchfur's knowledge of Vultureclaw's true nature would be revealed when the time was right, but it made her feel sick to think of all the other secrets that would never get said.

"Yes. We were successful Blossomstar. Would you like to give the full report here or....?" Arrowheart asked the light brown tabby.

"Yes yes, I'd be happy to hear your report. You and.." her amber gaze searched out Patchfur, "Patchfur can come with me to my den. Sparkpaw and our...guest can go get something to eat. Nightrose, make sure they get settled back in. Vultureclaw, make sure the evening patrols are sent out."

With that Blossomstar pads away, Arrowheart and Patchfur trailing after her. Nightrose watches the two toms leave, surprised momentarily by how close together they seem to be. Their fur brushes gently against each others' to let their scents mingle.

****Arrowheart's POV****

The cave den that Blossomstar slept in was colder than the last time Arrowheart had been in there. The runes carved into the stone walls glowed in the shadows, pulasating with what could only be a powerful light from the Angel.

Arrowheart never knew how these runes came to glow like this, but whatever the case may be he found himself intrigued by the way the shine of tinged his boyfriend's pelt. Patchfur was now the color of gray and silver, his golden green eyes glinting with light. To Arrowheart he looked like the angelic descendant that Shadowhunters were supposed to be in that moment.

Book 2: City of Ice and Fire (a warriors cats and shadowhunters crossover)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum