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Early in the morning, June tried to convince Lena to stay home for the day and take it easy, but she insisted on going to school. Inside, Lena knew she had to stay and rest some more, but if Alex is alive, he'd want her to continue her education. It was... definitely strange for her to be allowed to eat some toast before having to go, but it felt godly to have food being digested. 

Jack and Lena drove to school on Jack's motorcycle. Lena with her arms wrapped around his stomach to keep herself steady and an extra motorcycle helmet that's originally meant for June whenever she went for a ride. Parking near the school's entrance, She and Jack took off their helmets,  confused to why Jack was bringing his own inside the building. "Why are you taking your helmet inside? Don't people usually place them on the bike?" Jack shrugs, "It's so no one steals them."

Giving him a sarcastic 'really' face, "You realize this is Jasper, right? One of the most boring towns in the country, who would steal a motorcycle helmet?"

"And you're forgetting that in Jasper, your guardian abused you and your brother."

"Touché, Darby. Touché."

Locking the helmet in her locker for safekeeping. She still wore the same clothes as the day before, June not having any clothes that would fit the girl properly seeing as how they have different heights and sizes. Dragging herself to the 1st class of the day, ignoring the whispers and stares being passed around about the orphanage yesterday and the missing sibling and guardian. 

Even on days like today after eventful days, there is always going to be bullying. Shoving her into the lockers, students gasp and watch all around. Vince. "Looks like you really do have no family, now. Or even a home. That just proves how much of a useless piece of trash you are," steering at the girl. Looking back at him apathetically, showing him the dullness in her eyes. Vince staggered back a bit, Lena's eyes resembling that of a soulless doll. "Are you done yet?" she asks. "W-Wha-" "I asked if you're done yet because the bell is going to ring soon."

On cue, the bell rang, students swarmed the area between Vince and Lena, allowing her to escape without notice.


A few hours past, it's now 4th period, almost lunch. For some reason, Lena agreed to sit with Jack, Miko, and Raf for lunch, mainly to stop Miko's persistent begging. 

'Lena, please come to the principal's office. Lena, please come to the principal's office' repeats the secretary over the announcer. Sliding back her seat, swinging her bag over her shoulder, walking past the rows of students sitting in their seats in front of her. Each student glances up at her before locking their gaze back on the classwork assigned. Nervous at the oddly calm girl who just lost everything.

The halls have been the same for years. Light blue and slightly black and white spotted floor tiles. Old green lockers, the paint faded and chipped. The white ceiling, passing by broken lights over-head every so often. Her footsteps echo slightly with all the classroom doors closed so no one disturbed one another. 

Stepping in front of the only door different from all the rest, instead of a number it had giant bold letters on it saying 'Administration'. Taking in a deep breath, exhaling, turning the knob. Mr. Litea, the secretary, takes a quick glance at the dark-skinned teen, still wearing the same clothes from yesterday, directing her towards the principal's office before getting back to whatever he was typing on the computer.

Nodding, opening that door to see a friendly and professional-looking room. Some potted plants in the corners, a dark brown desk at the end with paper's orderly stacks, files placed out, pencil cup with different colors of pens and a gold-colored metal nameplate at the front of the desk with the name 'Riley Stone' engraved into it.

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