Covering All Routes

Start from the beginning

Chet smiled. "That, or, just a mark of hanging out with the Hardys long enough." Laura and Collig chuckled at that.

"There is that too," said Collig between chuckles. "Anyone can learn some tips about being good detectives by hanging out with the Hardys."

"Well, what can you say, Fenton likes his job, and it's rubbed off on the boys. Only natural it rubs off them too."

"Eagle Eyes to Crouching Tiger, Eagle Eyes to Crouching Tiger, come in!"

Collig quickly picked up the radio. "This is Crouching Tiger. What's going on, Stephan?"

"The bad guys went into the house, and a few have come back out. They seem to be looking for someone!"

The three glanced at each other and Laura quickly pulled out her phone. She hadn't received any texts. "Please just be lying low," she whispered. Chet began massaging her shoulders.

"I hope that means Frank and Joe have found Mr. Hardy and a fairly good hiding place for now. Report back when you see any differences, like if they found someone. And it's getting close to time for your sister to start texting Biff about what you guys see."

"Roger that. Eagle Eyes over and out."

"But if they are safe, why haven't they texted you yet?" Chet asked.

"Maybe they're in a position that Frank doesn't feel it's safe to pull out his phone and risk them getting caught," said Collig. Laura merely nodded, but glanced at the phone, still wishing for that text to come through. Chet, who had paused in massaging Laura's shoulders, went back to massaging them.

Laura sighed as the massage helped keep the tension from building up. "Thank you so much Chet. I envision you're going to make some girl really happy."

Chet grinned. "I plan on it." But though he grinned and was doing his best to help his best friends' mother stay calm, he couldn't help the string of worrying scenarios and questions from running through his head. Had Frank and Joe really found their father? Was the gang just looking for the two boys since they hadn't shown up, supposedly, to the rendezvous? Had they figured out that it was Frank and Joe who Klein and Red talked to and not the Masons? How did they figure it out? Speaking of, why hadn't Snattman sent any men to the Hardy's house and kidnapped the boys from there? Just what kind of a criminal was this Snattman? What was he thinking? Most criminals would have used whatever means necessary to make sure the police didn't catch them. So, why hadn't Snattman or his gang? Chet was starting to feel a little dizzy with how rapid-fire fast the thoughts came, and he couldn't stop them. Had they taken pretty good care of Mr. Hardy? What kind of condition did Frank and Joe find him in? Could his condition have any effect on how quickly they were able to hide? Did the boys have to support him and that's why Frank couldn't text? The house wasn't that big, so why hadn't they been found yet? Or they were found, and Snattman was putting on a show for the police so he would have time to convince Mr. Hardy to give up the case? There were so many things could have happened! What was going on in there? If only that telescope could see inside the house as well!

Ding! Chet yelped and fell back on the seat, while Collig and Laura jumped. She let out a yelp in relief as she opened the text.

"It's Frank! Oh, they're alright! They had to lay low while the house was searched. They're hiding in the attic, Fenton didn't want Snattman's gang to find them in the secret staircase so it can remain their back door if they are found."

Chet whooped. "They're alright!"

"For now," said Collig firmly. But he was grinning with relief.

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