Back to Willow Grove

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 Frank and Joe got up early the next morning, only to find that their father had already left for New York City. Their mother explained that he had left long before she had even gotten up. Recalling past times when their father did that before, they knew their mother was worried over that fact and didn't say another word on it, though their mother did promise to keep an ear out for when their father called. He usually only called the home phone when he was on cases.

Having to be satisfied with this turn of events, the boys got ready for school and set out, brainstorming on how to find more clues and keep a constant eye on the Pollitt place. When they got to school, they found that their friends were waiting for them with the same questions. They walked with them to their lockers.

"When should we head back to Willow Grove to look for more clues?" asked Jack.

"Willow Grove is close enough to the Pollitt place that we could check up on it from time to time," suggested Jerry.

Frank shook his head. "Dad said to use the telescope and watch from our house, remember? It would be less likely that we would be seen."

Biff spoke up. "Well, since I know what that boat looks like, I volunteer to keep an eye on it while you look for clues."

Pete nudged Slim. "I think we should do that as well so we can keep up with our homework."

Slim bobbed his head. "I agree."

Joe grinned. "You guys are the best."

"Hey, we're the largest group of Watsons to aid you two, Mr. Sherlock and Mr. Holmes," said Tony with a grin. The others laughed.

"Yeah, you do know that Sherlock has his own little army of informants, though, right?" said Frank.

"Yeah, but they're not as well known as Watson," returned Tony. "Heck, I don't even remember the name of the leader of the group!"

"Sherlock Holmes was the leader of the Baker Street Irregulars," said Frank.

"Oh, right," said Tony, grinning sheepishly, while the others laughed.

"You of all people should know not to say that you don't remember anything about the lore of Sherlock Holmes," said Joe between chuckles.

Tony shrugged. "Hey, if Frank here can rattle it off faster than I can look it up, then I might as well use it. Thanks, kinda needed that for my test." The others groaned.

"Come on Tony, you can do better than that," said Phil, trying to tackle him.

"What? I'm not as big into literature as Frank is!" The bell rang, and the boys yelped, realizing the time.

"Meet us at lunch!" called out Frank as Slim and Pete took off. The others took a little longer to get going, but they made it to their first class, just barely. A few of them got glares from their homeroom teachers, but nothing was said and the day continued on. At lunch, the group gathered around a table and continued their conversation while they ate.

"I think we need to get back to Willow Grove immediately after school is over," said Frank. "We don't know how many other clues are still there, and we need to find them as soon as possible."

"But you said last night that you needed to set up the telescope, which was why we were supposed to meet you at your place later this afternoon," said Slim.

Frank smacked his forehead. "Oh man, you're right! I, for some reason, keep thinking that the telescope was set up last night!"

"And I know for a fact that we didn't do that," said Joe. He glanced at Frank. "Unless you did it without telling me."

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