Chapter 1: The Draconian

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Princess Peach had just finished a conversation with a mysterious woman. The two were talking about the random occurrences of fiends and daemons causing chaos and destruction around the world.

Peach: Thank you, Shiva. We will send aid and support to Inkopolis, and Bowser shortly.

Shiva: Of course. And I'm sorry I couldn't do more. I am not allowed to be directly involved.

Peach: No, I understand. But tell me, what is Bahamut planning?

Shiva: Very shortly, an infant will arrive, this boy is the vessel for Bahamut's power. Protect him. Raise him as if he were your own. For he is our only hope to protect this world. Humans are such fascinating creatures, I would hate to see you all perish.

Peach: Other than the fiends and daemons, what else are we up against?

Shiva: Ifrit has managed to gain the alliance of Titan, and is working on dragging Leviathan to his side as well. Ramuh on the other hand is still slumbering, and waits to be awakened.

Peach remembers that name. Ramuh, the Fulgarian. He helped her ancestors defeat a tyrannical Empire hundreds of years ago. 

Peach: So why is Bahamut granting a mortal some of his powers?

Shiva: Centuries ago, a great line of kings used to rule this very land. Back then they were known as the Lucii. However the line ended when the last king sacrificed himself to save the world. Bahamut wishes to create this line once more. 

The Lucians. She read upon their history. She knows who this savior was. The 114th King of Lucis. Noctis Lucis Caelum.

Shiva: Ah I do believe our package has arrived.

The princess and the deity both walked to the main entrance of the castle, seeing a certain red plumber holding something.

Mario: Princess! I ordered spaghetti and instead they sent me this baby! 

Peach took hold of the infant and noticed the marking on his chest where his heart is. The mark of the Draconian. The mark of Bahamut.

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Shiva: So what will you call this boy?

Peach: Well, you said Bahamut wanted to revive the Lucian Kings, correct?

Shiva nods her head.

Peach: Then this young man will be named, Y/n Lucis Caelum. the first Lucian prince in hundreds of years.

~~Seventeen years later~~

The main foyer of the castle for Princess Peach, held the Mushroom Kingdoms biggest band of misfits. The men of the group were Mario, Bowser, SMG4, Luigi, Bob, and Boopkins. Also probably the biggest idiots out of the group but they were all good friends.

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