Week 3: Aug 25 to Aug 31

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A word of warning for a few of the prompts:

8/26: Hole – Speaks of sibling murder

8/27: Cockroach – An amusing take on the apocalyptic trope

8/31: Butterfly speaks of stalker behavior and a serial killer who keeps trophies.

This week was kind of on the dark side.

8/28 and 8/29 are happier if you just wish to read those.

Thank you.

Week 3


Prompt: loud

The music thrummed through the building, even in the rooms that were set up to allow people to rest and relax. To talk without having to shout over the music of the club. It was a dull pulse, but still loud within them, the bar that was situated on the second floor getting a good chunk of it.

Bo was amused while Markus muttered about new DJ's who couldn't control their bass and volume enough to not make his glasses shake. Markus just shot his lover a look before shoving the glasses back into place and putting the holding lock on so that they didn't slide out. "I'm going to bitch at the owner," he stated, purple stained lips pulling into a frown.

Bo just smiled and brought his glass of whiskey up to his lips, letting the smooth liquor run over his tongue. "It is a tad loud. Don't they get informational packets on how loud they can be?" he asked.

Markus grunted as he moved to the next rack of glasses, putting the locking gates up. "Yeah. They do. I don't think this one read them though so we're going to have to lodge a complaint about this guy," he said. He dug out the work phone he carried around in his apron pocket and pulled up his texting service, sending a complaint to the boss that was in for the night. With that done, he dropped it back into his apron pocket and moved to wash glasses.

"Quiet night," Bo mused, eyeing the half-filled room, Markus humming.

"It's a Wednesday before finals week. Most of our clientele are at home, studying. Preparing for finals. Finishing off projects and all that," Markus replied.

"Just be glad you're finished with that shite," Bo replied, toasting his lover. Markus rolled his eyes.

"Oh yes. Now I get to do two more years for my Masters," he drawled. "At least I moved up in the ranks here since slime ball got fired."

"Ah, that reminds me," Bo said, smirking at the other. Markus raised an eyebrow. "Marius Lee, also known as Mr. SlimeBall, has officially been charged and convicted of Lola's murder, the drug racketeering and stalking," he said.

Markus huffed out a laugh. "Good for him. Now maybe he'll finally stay the fuck away. I think the last time he came by your house you were about ready to just shoot his dick off," he said, shaking his head.

Bo shrugged with a smug smirk. "He caught a glimpse of you after a shower. Call me protective, but when someone stalks my partner, I tend to have some issues with that," he replied. Markus rolled his eyes. Drying his hands, he let the glasses sit for the moment. The music went from nearly being able to hear every word of the song and shaking the glasses free from the shelves down to a dull roar, like it was supposed to be.

"Finally," Markus groaned, rubbing at his ears and pulling the earbuds from his ears. Most of the people that worked there had specialized buds that canceled out certain things, allowing them to hear their customers. It made it interesting since they had to point their ear at their customers, but they worked.

He dropped one of them into one pocket and rubbed at the ear before replacing his other one. "Can you give me some soda? I think I'm done for the night," Bo drawled, putting his empty cup down before him.

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