chapter 1

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What a wonderful day, birds are singing flowers are blooming days like this should be nice day to go to the shopping. I was heading to the bakery store to get some bread.  My brothers will be back home soon and I do not want to be late. My home is far from the village. it near to the sea where we could see the beautiful views of the ocean.

As I enter the barky store "Well good morning ms. moon " what would you like to have " that was the baker he always greeted me, whenever I came to his store. "Well good morning to you to Mr. baker. I would like two loaves of bread to please." I place my order.

"Sure thing little one" I puff my cheek. "I not little and I'm sixteen!" I say not like how people would calling me little. " Oh! A apologies young Ms. and how is your brothers are doing?" He asked curiously wondering what my bother been up to "It fine and as for my brother they are doing fine too".

"Well here's your two loaves of bread" Mr. baker pass me an of bag bread. "thank you!" i head out the store
"No problem and have a nice day!"

Okay, that everything  I needed now time to head back.

My name is moonlight. My brothers and I have been living here since we were kids. I have two brothers and one is my twin.  His name is Incubux and the other is my younger brother Noah. Incubux is the same age as me as for my younger brother he turning six. My brothers and I live alone.

Five years ago there was an attack on our village by the pirates. Our mother hid my brothers and i in a hidden room. She told us she will be back for us and wait for her to come back. We have wait for her, but the next morning we came out from hiding we ran to the village looked everywhere but she nor was to be seen.  we know she never coming back our guess that she must have died in the hands of the pirates or taken by them. but chances are getting herself kill is high. My brothers and I cry. We don't know who our father is. Mother told us that father left us before we were born.

Now we are on our won living together. My brothers and i would take jobs. My borther works for blacksmith as an assistant. As for I, I work at Gribbly's bar as a waitress. I do not really like my job. It but the pay is good and my boss is really nice. It just that this low-class pirate will try to harass me everything time, but whenever they did. I would kick in the face and throw them out the bar. My boss is fine with me doing that as long as they don't try anything stupid on me.

I have just arrived home in front of the door. I enter the house and go straight to the kitchen to prepare dinner. It getting dark and Incubux is getting Noah from school. As I was almost done preparing the food just in time as the door just open and i can hear my brother Noah cheerful voice. "We home and I am hungry! Sister what is for dinner?" I giggle at my borther sweet cheerfully. Incubux just smile at Noah and turn to look at me and ask  "how was your work sister?"

And that the end of chapter 1. Hope you guys like it and yes, Moonlight is a girl. I just what to make it clear. Well, see you in the next chapter bye.

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