Chapter 6| Starlight, Star Bright

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Even though she missed being in her own time, she didn't miss the life she was living. "To be honest... I just want to see how my mom is doing. Her and I... Has had an ill relationship ever since my dad left and when my older brother died."

Tsubaki had genuine concern in his eyes. "Would you like to talk about it?"

Katsumi lowered her eyes. "I don't mind sharing it with you. I feel like I can trust you, Tsubaki."

A soft smile appeared on his face, there was a slight pink color in his cheeks. "It makes me happy to hear that you trust me, little lady. But more importantly, I'm here to listen about what's buried in your heart."

Katsumi gave him a small smile. "Thank you. It all started when..."


Six years ago, Katsumi was a 10 year old little girl. Her life felt so perfect. Both of her parents were in her life, happy as can be. And the light of her life... Her older brother.

It was night time, Katsumi's 18 older brother was outside, looking at the stars through a telescope. "Hiroki! How long are you going to stay out here?" Young Katsumi asked.

Her older brother, Hiroki, turning around with a bright smile on his face. "I'm looking at the constellations. I'm writing down viewing notes."

Curious, Katsumi walked over towards Hiroki, reading the notes he wrote down. She had no idea what her brother was even doing, tilting her head in confusion. "What's Capricornus? It sounds like my astrology sign."

Hiroki let out a laugh. "That's because it is your astrology sign, silly."

"Why are you writing it down? Is it up in the sky?"

"It is. Would you like to take a look?"

Katsumi's eyes were sparkling in fascination. "Yeah!" Rushing over towards the telescope, she looked through it eagerly, hoping to see a pretty picture in the sky. But all she saw were stars scattered all over the sky. "I don't see anything..."

Hiroki chuckled. "You see those three stars right there? That's Capricornus."

Taking her eye off of the telescope, Katsumi wore a bored expression. "I was expecting a picture..."

"Not everything is presented in a picture. A lot of times, you just have to use your imagination. But in this case, you just have to connect the dots, and you'll be able to see the constellation."

Katsumi held her head in pain. "All this astronomy talk is making my head hurt! I don't get anything!"

"That's because I've been studying it for a while now. My dream when I grow up is to be an astronaut. I want to be able to see the constellations up close. And eventually... I'll even discover a new constellation, and share it all around the world." Katsumi looked fascinated by her older brother's passion. She could see the determination in his eyes that he had big dreams. "What do you want to be when you grow up, Katsumi?"

Getting asked such a big question on the spot, Katsumi slumped her shoulders. "I don't know... I don't have a dream like you do."

Hiroki placed his hand on top of her hand, gently tousling it. "One day... You'll find your own dream, Katsumi. I know you will. You'll find the answer deep in you heart. It can take a while to dig up, but eventually... You will find it."

Believing her brother's words, she gave him a bright smile, making him smile back. It felt like everything was going to be great for Hiroki. He was going to make his family proud and live his dream.

All that change when Hiroki got into a car accident. The 18 year old boy who had so much ahead of him was taken away too early. It affected his family the most. His parents would get into constant arguments until her dad finally had enough, abandoning his wife and daughter. Her once happy and sweet mother turned into an alcoholic, depressed woman who barely went out and barely spent any time with her only daughter.

It affected Katsumi deeply... She would cry every night since then, wondering why her brother was taken away. Why her dad left. Why her mom took things out on her. It was too much. It felt like she couldn't reach out to anyone.

Anyone at all...


At the end of Katsumi's story, Tsubaki felt a tingle of pain in his heart. This young, sweet girl in front of him went through such a rough patch in her life. He ended up pouring some tea into the two cups, offering one of them to Katsumi.

"Thank you..." Gently blowing into the tea cup, Katsumi took a tiny sip. "I endured my mother's emotional abuse for six years. Because of that, I was always the quiet girl in my class, a wallflower. I was so scared to talk to anyone, even someone I had a crush on."

Tsubaki wanted to give this girl a hug. And that's what he was going to do. "Would you mind placing your cup down?"

Curious on why he wanted her to do that, Katsumi placed the cup on the table. Tsubaki did the same, gradually getting closer to her. Wrapping his arms around her, Tsubaki embraced her tight. "Everything is going to be alright. I know it's hard, but I'm here for you now. I might not do a great job at it, but I promise I'll try to ease your pain by being here for you whenever you need it."

Inhaling the sweet scent from Tsubaki's clothes, Katsumi closed her eyes. It felt like she was right at home in his arms, almost like she could fall asleep in them. "Thank you, Tsubaki."

Tsubaki was trying to find a way to help make her feel better. "Would you like for me take a walk around town with me?"

Surprised, it made Katsumi break the hug, her cheeks were redder than a rose. "A-Are you asking me out on a date?!"

Tsubaki snorted at her expression. "As much as I love that idea, I just want to cheer you up."

Softly smiling, Katsumi respected the fact he wouldn't take advantage of her vulnerability. "Sorry for blurting that out. That's because the last time someone asked me out on a date, they stood me up, so..."

Tsubaki looked bewildered. "How could anyone stand up such a beautiful lady like you?! That guy missed out on the best thing that could have happened to him! But lucky for me... I get to take you out. I'll show you what a real date is supposed to be like!" He did his usual flirtatious wink.

Katsumi felt her face with her hands, feeling the heat on her face. "But before that... Could we check up on Ryusai? I want to make sure he's doing alright."

Tsubaki's face dropped, shifting his eyes to the side. "If that's what you wish, little lady." Knowing he absolutely hates that guy, Katsumi smiled at the fact that he respects her wishes.


Walking towards the infirmary, Katsumi knocked on the door. "Ryusai? Can we come in?" There was no answer. She knocked again. Still no answer. Feeling nervous, Katsumi slowly opened the door.

To her surprise, Katsumi saw no one was in the room. Tsubaki leaned his back on the wall, no remorse showed on his face. "He didn't even check out properly. Typical vampire."

Walking over towards the bed where Ryusai was occupying, Katsumi noticed a piece of paper on top of the pillow. Picking it up, she saw it was a note from Ryusai himself.

Thank you for the hospitality, human girl. You're the only one I'm thanking. That fairy boy can go to hell.

Quietly giggling to herself, Katsumi felt bittersweet about this. She was glad that Ryusai was recovered from his fever. But at the same time, she was going to miss him, wishing him the best wherever he would end up.

Starlight Covet - An Original Short StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora