Act 1

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The Vigilant king sits atop of his icy throne, watching and tending to his frozen temple.

Icicles formed from the Cryomancer own magic, glistened in the fading light of the sun. Mildly blocked out by the daily flurry of snowflakes, the Sun's faded yellow tint gives the emptiness of the castle, a The subzero temperatures combined with the surrounding tundra makes the environment perfect for the Cryomancer. The cold gives him strength, where the warmth has failed, the frost makes up by 10 fold. The hollowness of the frozen fortress is preceded by the forever solid presence of the Army Of White. Which is the protective force to the crystalline structure that is the Temple. No thought, nor emotion plague this army. Made from pure Ice, they are unflinching, unyielding and will do anything to protect their emperor. The solid army form a circle of protection around the perimeter of the Temple. The army hasn't been active for years...but that's a different poem. The Cryomancer sits in the empty throne room. Loneliness is comfort, more like safety...and the void offers resilience.. No one here to blame but himself for the cracks in the otherwise pristine glass like structure. (Fits of rage do come and go). Anger and frustration are very familiar with the Cryomancer. The Frozen Emperor rises suddenly. The falling snow from the inside of the throne stops in midair. The air cracks with intensity of dropping temperature.

Was that a crack in the wall? The wall the HE built himself? It couldn't be! The Cryomancer's Ice Magic was flawless!! This would not stand...not one bit.

The Icy Ruler's eyes glowed blue and his fingertips frosted over.......he blew the wall to smithereens! Mist dripping from his hands and icy blue veins come to surface on his pale, dark skin when one of his frozen subjects approached him:

" Are you okay Deus?" he asked worriedly.

"Go away." The Emperor says.

No need to explain to a heartless statue, why share with a block of ice. Which is probably how they view him.

"Shoot!" the Cryomancer says aloud, as he looks up at his skylight.

The sun was coming up in the west.

"Almost late" The Emperor says to himself.

He leaves his Throne Room and heads down his icy corridor. He passes many rooms on his way down the long twisted crystalline hallway. But he stops at the very last door on the right. He holds his left hand up and place it on the door, even though he his alone, the Cryomancer has a certain .....anxiousness about him. The doors opens up to a descending staircase which leads to another door. Once you step inside the door and leave the icy hallway, the temperature rises a little bit just enough to allow steam inside. The pressure of the looming appointment clung to the Emperor, like a shadow. He maneuvers through out the secret chamber with grace, almost as to not disturb the energy of the least trafficked area in whole castle. He reaches the end of the catacomb like corridor. He faces a deadend. A huge wall of ice is in between him and what he came here for. "It's just a wall..only to the naked eye or a powerless fool." the Dark Emperor thought to himself. It amuses him, the thought of anyone ever getting this close. He takes a deep breath and exhales a stream of stream of concentrated frost from his mouth, directed right at the wall of ice in front of him. The wall illuminates blue with frosted veins that resembled the cryomancers skin in a rage. Just then the latin phrase.

"Glacies Currenta Vena"

Then wall disappears in a cloud of mist. Why so much security for an empty castle? Sometimes it's quality and not quantity. The Cryomancer steps in further to the steamy twilight blueish chamber. The mist welcomes him, hugging him at all sides, basically guiding him to the center of the foggy room. And there it was. The most prized possession in the North; The Nitrogen Pendant. A relic that many have died in search of. The owner of the Nitrogen Pendant commands all of the terrains Tundra/North. Yes, the Cryomancer can create and control his own ice, which makes him unique among previous rulers. However this Pendant gives him manipulation over vast areas at a time. The Cold Emperors expression is almost somber as he inspects his supercharm. He doesn't touch it, but reaches his hand out close enough to feel it's cold emmating from it. This is it. This is the most important thing to the Cryomancer (at the moment). Almost obsessed with its security, it takes his mind off of the.....the Appointment! That's right! Anxiousness begins to flood almost immediately.

"He's gonna be so upset, I'm never late" He says looking at his pendant.

He gives one more longing look at his ancient necklace, then heads out of the chamber.

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