Act 2

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The Reflection of The Cryomancer in any surface, never agrees with him. Yet, he seeks its council anyways, for its the only other voice besides his own. I guess its sort of comforting.

"You look overdressed," The Reflection says, as the Cryomancer adjusts his royal garbs.

"Relax its customary" The Cryomancer replies back.

Its time for the Appointment, the Lonesome Ruler leaves his cold abode on the back of an Icy Stallion provided by the Army Of White. Even though the army persisted, The Cryomancer refused the security detail, he completely trusted him, even if the Army didn't.

The wind from the Tundra stung his cheeks as he galloped along the baron iceland, it was refreshing to feel this sting. It was a reminder that even the most solid still can feel pain.

Where was the Cryomancer going?

The wind was bearable but the Frozen Emperor used his magic anyways to lower the winds. He finally reached his destination; The Nexus. The Nexus is the point where the North and the South overlapped. The heat from the South was already palpable from Cryomancer position which had to been a half a mile away. He grins, the Pyromancer was known for his flare.

Who is the Pyromancer you ask?

Why, he is the Cryomancer's most trusted advisor and oldest friend. Unlike the Reflection, who is a biased superficial occurrence, The Pyromancer relishes in positivity. With the command of the South and the ability to create fire from his fingertips paired with healing and prosperity, the Pyromancer is the South most powerful warden. This duality amongst both rulers ;the Cryomancer's and the Pyromancer's relationship is strengthened by their polar opposite personalities. Brothers born from the same spark, they sometimes share the same thoughts and emotions..even miles apart. The Cryomancer loses himself with his brother because the weight of the kingdom becomes less to bare in his presence.

And there he was, The Pyromancer. Doing a Sun appreciation dance in the center of the circular Nexus. The Nexus was a circular dome like space where the South and North meet, which creates a misty green lush area. Which is highly contrasted against the Sun burnt sand of the South and the frosted snow dunes of the North. Since neither ruler can survive in the oppsite terrain, the Nexus acts as a safe point of sorts. It is here where they have their most important appointments.

The Sun Dance was beautiful. The Fiery Warden moving his body suddenly then stopping in a ticking motion, moving to his own beat, shooting fire from the palm of his hands, there is no music, but the Pyromancer's methodical movements even makes the Cryomancer shift in his frosted position. Concentrated the Pyromancer dances with such accuracy, he notices the Frozen friend approaching on the transparent mare, he flashes a smile and continues the end of his dance.

"Show off", says the Cryomancer sliding off his horse, walking into the green patch.

"Your late", the Pyromancer says in exhaustion, dancing always makes him sweat. He smiles.

"I know , I know but today was super boring" the Cryomancer expresses, rolling his eyes.

"Tell me all about it" the Pyromancer says.

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