romance novel// tyler

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ok i know this book is literally full of tyler imagines but i'm such a tyler stan i can't help myself from writing about him

You leaned back comfortably as you turned the page of your book, only to be interrupted by another bump on the road. Reading while on the tour bus was never easy, but being here was a part of your job, and you loved every second of it, so you wouldn't have complained. You worked for their crew, and had become very close friends with Tyler and Josh, which was why you had the privilege of staying with them on the bus.

You were minding your own business, sitting on the couch across from the two boys who were playing video games. You did occasionally play with them, but right now you just wanted to relax and read a bit. Their loud protests and groans at the game didn't really distract you that much, and you didn't want to be alone, so sitting out here with them wasn't that much of a problem.

"Whatcha reading?" You heard Tyler's voice ask. You shot your head up, surprised by the sudden interaction. He and Josh were placing their controllers down, so the game must've ended.

"Oh, nothing. Just a silly romance novel," you responded, shrugging your shoulders.

"Who doesn't love a silly romance novel?" Tyler said, standing up from his position. "Can I read it with you?"

You rose an eyebrow, confused as to why he would be interested in reading a book with you. You'd never seen him sit around and read before, so it definitely wasn't something common for him. But, Tyler was your friend, and you didn't care if he wanted to spend some time with you. "Sure," you responded, patting the spot next to you. "Come sit."

The boy happily obliged, sitting down next to you a little closer than he usually would. You brushed it off, assuming he just wanted to look over your shoulder to read the pages with you. Of course you were fine with that, fine until your shoulders started touching and you could feel his skin against your own. That was when the butterflies in your stomach started going wild, and you felt that fuzzy feeling that you couldn't quite explain. You hated that he made you feel that way, but you couldn't help it.

He was solely focused on his career, on his music. He didn't need a girlfriend to distract him or hold him back, you thought. Tyler didn't even talk about any girls, as far as you knew. So you felt stupid for even thinking of him in that way.

"So what's going on?" Tyler asked, referring to the book.

"They're making out," you replied bluntly, a small giggle escaping your lips.

Tyler took a deep breath, shaking his head. "Alright then. How about I read one page and you read the next?"

"Sure," you responded. "I'll read first." You didn't start right away because you noticed Tyler was too busy reading the second page, probably trying to figure out what he'd have to read aloud.

"Can I go first?" He asked innocently, looking at you with puppy dog eyes.

"Why?" You asked, although you already had a feeling as to why he asked.

"Because I don't wanna read the next one! It's too weird," he stated. It was kind of cute how he was an adult, yet still too embarrassed to read a romantic scene in a book aloud. You almost wanted to laugh at him, but you felt bad, so you gave in.

"Okay, I'll read second," you said, causing him to let out a sigh of relief.

You and Tyler continued on like this for the next few hours, the both of you occasionally cringing when it came to an awkward line. But Tyler seemed to actually be interested in the story, which was why the two of you couldn't put it down. It was somehow so much more entertaining when you read it together.

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