What Queries Are

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Query Letter [kweer-ee let-er]: an inquiry from a writer to an editor [or agent] of a magazine, newspaper, etc., regarding the acceptability of or interest in an idea for an article, news story, or the like: usually presented in the form of a letter that outlines or describes the projected piece.

Your query letter should do three things:

1. Tell about your project (novel, short story, article, etc.)

2. Tell about you

3. Capture your audience enough to request more (for self-publishing authors: entice readers to click buy!)

How to write a killer query letter that will do these three things is discussed in Section Two: Writing a Killer Query.

A few things to remember:

A query letter is the first impression an agent has of you. And we all know you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression.

A query letter is correspondence with an industry professional. Treat it as such.

A query letter is not hammered out in a few minutes.

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