Almost Everywhere

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Luna had looked almost everywhere.

She had examined every corner of the castle, inside and out.

Still, she hadn't found what she was looking for.

There was one place she hadn't dared go to yet, keeping it for the end.

With the jar Neville had given her in her hand, she crept towards the teachers' apartments.

Trying to think of an excuse for being there, she remembered that Harry was staying at McGonagall's.

She smiled, feeling that she was getting closer and closer to her quarry.

Neville had suggested that the reporter was staying at Hogwarts, both because she still had some interviews to do, and because it gave her access to Harry.

Luna had forgotten all about it, and she scolded herself for it.

She should have known that she would be spying on him.

She didn't even knock before bursting into her teacher's appartement.

Harry and Ron startled before asking her what she was doing.

Luna examined the tabletops, the couch and the windowsills, before spotting an air vent.

It was on the wall next to where the two boys were sitting, gaping at her like she was crazy, which she supposed they weren't to blame for.

She pushed a chair underneath it, and with the help of a clever spell, the great came off easily.

Among the dust, she found it.

Luna smiled.

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