The Book

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Luna ran up to Neville, brandishing the latest article of the Daily Prophet.

"She did it." Was all she said.

He grabbed it from her hands.

The boy who lived, and the man who died.

Part 1; The making of the Dark Lord.

He scanned the article, his frown deepening with every word.

"Luna." He started. "What's in Ginny's book?"

She bit her lip and looked away.

"Luna." He warned. "What. Is. In. Ginny's. Book?"

Still, she wouldn't look at him.

"Tell me!" He begged.

Finally, she sighed, "It's Tom Riddle's Diary."

"That thing controlled her!" He exclaimed, pushing the paper into her arms.

"Ever since Harry stabbed it, she's been okay." Luna said.

"She got what she wanted, we'll never see her again. I told you her promises meant nothing." His voice was rising, people had begun to notice.

Luna hushed him.

"She's going to stick to her promises." She said, she seemed so sure of herself.

"Why?" Neville asked.

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