"And you're never funny, Harold." She jumps onto my lap and continues to laugh. Her beautiful scent of coconut consuming my senses.

"Fuck you" I tease, poking the dimple engraved into her cheek. This is probably the best time I have ever had with Ariana, and fuck, I am loving every second of it. She rest her bum on my lap and she extends her legs where she previously had them, her head is resting on my shoulder and I snake an arm around the small of her back.

"Let's play something." Ariana giggles.

"Like what?"

"20 questions." Even though I cannot see her from the position we are in, I know she is probably smiling.

"Deal." I am loving her playful state, she has never been this happy and giggly, yet touchy with me before.

"What's your favorite color?" She asks, twirling a strand of hair in her finger and the other resting on her lap.

"I don't have one." I shrug. I never really thought about it before.

"Everyone has a favorite color." She looks up at me and I shrug.

"Fine then. Your turn." She wiggles a bit on my lap before finding a comfortable spot.

"What's your favorite... food?" I trial off.

"Hmm... Since I am a vegan I don't have many choices so I guess just a simple salad or some basic vegetable shit." She giggles.

"Really? You're a vegan?"

"Yes, Harold. Now it's my turn." She sighs and places her finger over my lips to shush me. I stick my tongue out, licking her finger and she cringes.

"Ew." She wipes her finger off on my black t-shirt.

"Anyway," She flicks her hair over her shoulder, the ends of her curled hair smacking my face. "Have you ever been in a relationship?"

"Of course I have. I'm 20, I have had a couple of girlfriends." Even though I have only had two girls in my life and none of them were serious, I still consider them as my ex girlfriends. The expression on Ariana's face is completely taken back, she knows that I am too 'anti-social' to ever be in a relationship and it might be hard to believe.

"How many?" Ariana quickly asks.

"Two, calm down."

"Mhmm," She hums, resting her head back on my chest.

"My turn." I chuckle at her sudden mood change from happy and giggly, to serious. "Who was your first kiss?"

She smiles at the memory and flicks her tongue on the roof of her mouth, probably replaying the image of her first kiss in her head. "I was in the 2nd grade." She breaks into fits of laughter, "I remember I had this crush on a guy who was like the class clown, he was an idiot really. Well, we were hanging in reassess and we ended up kissing really fast and I remember I told my brother about it that day and he freaked out." She explains as she sits straight on my lap, her leg swings over to the other side of me and she rest her hands on my shoulders, our chest almost touching. She is fucking straddling me and if she moves just a little bit lower, I know I won't be able to take it any more.

"And who was your first kiss, Harold?" She whispers, her fingers slowly trailing down my chest, my breath hitching in my throat. I can feel my heart practically fall out of my lungs as she stops her fingers just above the waistband of my sweatpants. I know she is intoxicated and she does not know what she is doing, if this doesn't mean anything why is it affecting me so much? I don't know if she is teasing and fuck, it's working.

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