Chapter Nineteen: Wait

Start from the beginning

"What can I do for you?"

"Professor Snape advised me to take better care at herbology. I was unsuccessful at identifying a plant, a very important plant. So I was curious if there was anything I could do to be able to attend your class next year. I know my OWL came back rather low, but I do truly want to learn."

"Mr. Evans, you know how I don't let those in if you can't even score an A." she looked at me as my face fell "But...I know of your aspirations. You have a good eye, I think that you just need a little extra explanation on each assignment. Does that sound about right?"

I nodded, "Sometimes I have trouble grasping multiple things at once. I would really love a repeated summary of the best way to do something, or the information of a plant."

"It is very good of you to be able to know what you need, and when to ask for it." she put the pot she was packing onto a shelf "Tell you what, I'll let you give sixth year a try. We will check your progress a few weeks in, and you will tell me if you need some help, okay?"

"That sounds brilliant." I said, "I will be sure to ask for help when I need it. Thank you, professor."

"Run along, now. I have a class of sleep deprived second years coming in." she shooed me out of the greenhouse. I went back into the castle to begin my search for Mallory, whom I had not spoken to for some time. I truly couldn't remember the reason she and I had stopped talking.

I found Mallory in the study area of the fourth floor. She was at a desk in the far corner, scribbling on scrap parchment. Her arm rested on a thickly bound book, holding her head up and off the desk. I went up to her and tapped her shoulder.

"Can I help you?" she said as she looked behind her "Oh, hello Oliver."

"Mind if I join you for a bit?" I asked

"Sure," she nodded towards the empty chair "I don't mind."

"I wanted to apologize to you, Mallory. I don't know why I got so upset with you, and I really hope we can go back to being best friends."

"You made me and Trent both very upset, Oliver." she said, wetting her thumb and index finger before turning the page in her book

"I don't even remember how I made you upset."

She glared at me, "You were playing teacher's pet, Oliver. Going around in your free time running errands for Snape. I mean, really. What sane teacher who even slightly enjoys their job here would have a student hold onto veritaserum for them?"

"What are you talking about, Mallory?"

"Don't play dumb, Oliver. You're not making this apology very believable."

I groaned, "First Gregory, now you are accusing me of doing something for Snape. I have no idea what you're talking about. He never asked me to do anything, ever! I even asked him this morning; he flat out said he didn't!"

Mallory's face softened, "You asked him, and he said he didn't?"

"Yes! I'm so confused. I have no idea what you or Gregory are talking about, I swear."

"Oliver," she closed her book and looked at me very sincerely "A little while ago, you came to me with Trent and asked me to identify an unknown liquid that Snape had given you. I told you it was veritaserum, and suggested you give it back to him. You told me no, got all snippy with me and stormed off. It happened, Trent was there, you can ask him."

"I..." I held my head with both hands as I looked down, "I don't remember any of this. My whole mind is drawing a blank right now, Mallory. I don't know what's going on."

Oliver Evans is The Prodigy of the Heart (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now