Chapter Eighteen: Forget

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"On a more serious note class," professor Flitwick said as all of us started to pack up our books. "Remember not to use any of these water making incantations during summer break!" I grabbed my bag and headed up to where he was standing, "Professor Flitwick, may I speak with you for a moment?"

He looked up at me and nodded "What can I help you with, Mr. Evans?"

"I wanted to ask about when you first became a professor here at Hogwarts." I began

"Oh, it wasn't much different than what it is now. A lot more students to teach each class these days, but otherwise things have stayed the same."

"When you first started, did you ever get scared or nervous before a class?"

"I most certainly did, my boy. There were many days when I was so anxious, I considered that this just wasn't for me. But I pushed through my doubts and worries. Helping the students helped me grow more comfortable to teach. Why is it that you ask?"

"I am hoping to be a professor here one day, sir. I'm just seeing what I may be setting myself up for."

"I think that you would excel as an instructor, Mr. Evans. The way you take on leadership is positively fantastic. I would, however suggest brushing up on your charms work before pursuing any big goals such as that." he smiled at me

"Sorry, professor. I've been preoccupied lately and I guess haven't been putting enough time into my work."

"You have a few weeks left to make some much needed improvements. You may need to learn some time management skills. I've seen you study quite well, but you sometimes get overwhelmed with more than one subject at a time."

"Yeah, you're right on that one. I'll try harder this time. Thanks, professor." I waved before walking out into the halls. Not a moment later, Trent came running up to me

"Oliver! Is it true what I've been hearing? You're dating Fallin?!"

I raised an eyebrow "Yeah, I said I would. What's so wrong with that?"

"Besides the fact he almost killed you? Nothing. I'm excited for you!" he patted my shoulder, "Maybe now you can almost kill him, see how he likes it."

"We're just giving it a try."

"So is he the one you fancied?" Trent said in a mocking tone

"Erm. That isn't important right now. Want to walk me to my Masters class?"

He groaned "I guess. Thought I wouldn't have to set foot in the potions room again, but here we are."

We began to walk downstairs to the dungeons. The halls were thinning of students as they all headed into their next classes. Trent was happy to have a free session in place of potions for the rest of the year. Our Masters Potions only had a few sessions left before the summer holiday began at the end of the month.

As we entered the potions corridor of the dungeons, I noticed professor Snape standing at the classroom door, his expression was dull and dampened. He scowled when he saw Trent, "What are you doing down here, Laywood?"

"Well, sir, our common room is-"

"I didn't ask for your life story. Now get."

Trent rolled his eyes and turned in the opposite direction, heading back to the common room. I approached Snape and gave him a quick smile, "Nice to see you today, professor."

"Likewise." he said sternly, stepping aside so I could walk past. I entered the class to find my classmates at a station, sitting around a tall pile of what looked to be Valerian sprigs. Sabrina waved over at me to join them, "We are starting over here." she said

Oliver Evans is The Prodigy of the Heart (Book One)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें