Chapter Five: Hard Landing

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"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Trent asked as I pulled my goggles on "It's pouring outside, you're gonna end up getting hurt."

"I'll be fine." I tied my last boot and stood up "We played in the rain last year, nothing bad happened then."

"You can't see a foot in front of your face out there right now."

"Ah, rubbish. Look, are you coming or not? I need to get down to the pitch."

Trent sighed and grabbed his galoshes "Whatever."

We headed down the dormitory stairs, where my team mate Travis Fields was waiting. He and I both placed on the Slytherin team last year. He made beater, I made seeker. He motioned me towards him as I walked in

"Come on, Oliver. I'm not missing our first game of the year." Travis said leading us into the halls

"Sorry about that." I glared at Trent "I was doing a transfiguration essay and must have lost track of time. Trent snickered under his breath

"How are you feeling about today? Honestly I'm a shade concerned about losing control in this weather. I've never seen it rain so hard, eh?" Travis said adjusting his helmet

"Just remember to keep a tight grip on your broom. I don't want to have to drag your body to Madam Pomfrey." I laughed, jokingly hitting his arm. Trent stayed quiet for the walk out onto the castle grounds. Rain poured down, soaking us completely once we stepped outside. The top of the Slytherin's quidditch tent appeared from over the hill. I could hear the sounds of students cheering coming from the pitch.

"Alright, Trent. I'll catch you after the game." I waved him off as he walked to the stands. Travis and I made our way into the tent, pulling our fogged up goggles off

"Good of you two to show up," a large, barrel chested boy said from the front of the tent

"Darwin?" Travis said surprised "Darwin Loneman?"

"That's right. I'm your captain this year. Cole backed out last minute. So you'll be answering to me now."

"Is Cole still on the team? We need him, he's our best chaser!" I exclaimed

"Yeah, I am." Cole responded from behind us

I turned around, "Why aren't you captain anymore, Cole?"

"I can't take on the responsibility this year. My classes are more packed than ever and I need to focus on my studies. I'll still play, but I don't want to be in charge of all you."

"But we did all our practices with you!"

He shrugged, picking up his broom "Oh well."

We all gathered around Darwin, who had his freshly polished Fired Phoenix clutched in his hand. "Listen up. Gryffindor got the field longer than we did for practice. They have the upper edge in this game. I don't want that to stop you from doing whatever it takes to win." he pointed at me "The snitch will be harder to see than you're used to. Don't lose focus. Their team's seeker is new this year, so show them what we're made of."

"Yes, captain." I replied

"Travis, I need you to watch my back today. I plan on going after their chaser, Sergio Valtese. You need to be hitting twice as many bludgers while I go after Sergio. And try not to hit me this year." Travis nodded

"Sabrina Brown, Cole Fritz, and Randy Baldwin, you're the best chasers the school has. Make as many goals as you can. Travis will make sure you don't get hit until I can come and help." he pointed to a small girl with braided brown hair "Evangeline Morris, if you keep the goals as you did last year, we will win for sure."

Oliver Evans is The Prodigy of the Heart (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now