Character Bios

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Name: Oliver Evans DOB: 08/20/1971 Bloodline: Pure Blood Hair, Eyes: Dark Brown/Brown

About: Oliver is an enthusiastic, kindhearted individual with dreams as high as the sky. Though he would rather follow the rules, he still manages to break them just as easily. He studies hard and has some decent grades to show for it. His true passion, his calling is in potions. Though he struggles following multiple classes at once, he is never too overwhelmed to spend his days in the potions classroom.

He has an incredible bond to those he considers friends, and seemingly is liked by quite a few at Hogwarts. He has been known to be a "teacher's pet", and would do near anything to impress a professor he liked. Sometimes his loyalty can get him into troubling situations, but thankfully he somehow manages to be able to push through almost anything the castle and those within it can throw at him.

While at Hogwarts, he takes a lighter class-load so he can primarily focus on his art of potion making. He is incredibly ambitious, and thrives on the positive words from his peers and professors. When he isn't studying for his upcoming exams, he can be found in the courtyard painting, exploring and practising protective spells. His end goal is to become the potions master at Hogwarts.

Name: Trenton Laywood DOB: 01/10/1971 Bloodline: Muggle Born Hair, Eyes: Strawberry Blonde/Green

About: Trenton (call him Trent, never Laywood) is a very laid back, easy going boy who loves to get himself into trouble. One could say he takes more risks than the average person, especially when it comes to getting away with something. Though he doesn't have the best study skills, he always seems to manage to break even with his grades. He absolutely excels in Muggle Studies, since he comes from a Muggle household.

When he is caught breaking the rules, he just uses a simple mind manipulation tactic to get away without even a slap on the wrists. He loves to wander the halls late at night, and even memorized Filch's night sweep of the castle to avoid being caught. Even when he is causing trouble, you will see the biggest, whitest smile you've ever laid eyes on planted in the middle of his face. You would see it more often if he wasn't always eating something.

He holds onto his few friends very closely, and would jump through many hoops to keep them happy and smiling. Most of his professors enjoy having him in class, however professor Snape has an uncensored dislike of him from the very beginning. He isn't completely certain about what he wishes to do when finished at Hogwarts, only that it must involve mental stimulation.

Name: Mallory Cavendish Dob: 06/03/1971 Bloodline: Pure Blood Hair/Eyes: Light Brown/Light Blue

About: Mallory Cavendish, daughter of the famous Ringold Cavendish is an exceptionally bright young lady with a timid side to her. Though she always has high grades, and exceeds current standards with all her professors, she never feels as though it's enough to live up to her father's legacy. Her mother can have quite strict expectations from her, causing Mallory to not see her full potential.

Her friends are always by her side, even if they sometimes ask for help too frequently. She's never seen without her big blue ribbon tied in her hair or without a book nearby. When she isn't studying in the library or helping her best friends with their homework, she is busy making new friends with students from all of the houses.

Her wisdom is far beyond her years, and that goes hand in hand with her ability to excel in many different classes. She has been known to take upwards of 8 or more classes at a time. She is favoured by many different members of faculty, including having a relatively easy time when dealing with Filch, unlike her other classmates. Her dream career would be anything at the Ministry of Magic, in hopes to one day become someone very important.

Name: Gregory Fallin Dob: 06/14/1971 Bloodline: Half-Blood Hair/Eyes: Auburn/Dark Blue

About: Gregory is your quiet, but very matter-of-fact type of boy who is absolutely certain he was sorted into the wrong house. So much so that he regularly sports his favoured houses' colours in his everyday attire. Though he doesn't get along well with his housemates, he does cherish the small number of friendships he does hold.

Many call him a loner, and in reality he doesn't mind. He prefers to be in solitude, studying with anything he can get his hands on. He spends many long hours in the library, gaining more and more knowledge with each passing day. He is well liked by most of the professors and faculty because of his dedication to his studies.

He is a very avid flyer, and an aggressive one at that, so much so that he had been told numerous times that he isn't allowed on the quidditch team. Though he loves to fly, his life goal is to become a world renowned healer. He has quite the knack for it, but sometimes finds himself in over his head. In those cases, he almost always tries to find the easy way out.

Oliver Evans is The Prodigy of the Heart (Book One)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant