The Girl Who Always Smiles

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(P.S. The number in here is completely random soo yeah)


Louis Tomlinson

Standing outside, waiting for my ride, I see Karma walk out of the school. She walks to the middle of the pavement, looking down at her phone like she's busy. She looks up, noticing me, she looks away quickly. I shake my head and walk over to Claire and Autumn. Claire bends her leg against my thy and clutches my arm. I fake a smile and glance behind me to Karma.

She sits on the bench, trying to untangle her headphones. Forehead creased. After a few tempts she gets them tangle free and stands up. She turns, her back to me. I see her plug the headphones in, but Sear walks up to her. Her huff is noticeable from my perspective. I laugh to myself. She tried hard to get those headphones untangled but Sear ruined it.

I notice her hands move as she talks. Her and Sear sit. Karma on one of the small boulders and Sear on the bench next to her. I watch her mouth move as she talks. Her eyes are dull, even when she smiles.

"Baby," Claire purrs, slipping a hand up my shirt. I grimace and pull her hand away. She rolls her eyes and releases her clutch from my arm. They both walk away, bored with me. I shrug and turn back to watch Karma. She's walking towards a black car. I see Sear look at me. My shoulders drop as I walk over to him and take a seat.

"She's hurt, ya know," Sear says, nudging me. I nod and rest my head in my hands.

Sighing, I say, "Maybe I should talk to her." Sear shakes his head.

"I don't think that's a good idea. She'll freak and get scared and it'll only hurt her more." I shrug.

"She doesn't seem to hurt to me."

Sear glares at me. "She may smile, but it's all fake Louis. She wants to look strong, so no one will question. She's breaking each passing day though. And you saying she's weird and ugly only hurt her more." I look up at him. "She knows you said those things. She's not stupid."

I swipe my hand across my face. I look up and frown. She's hurt. I'm part of the reason why she's like that. Scumbags like me don't understand.

"What's her number?" I ask.


"I want to talk to her, apologize."

Sear sighs. "774-391-8957." I nod and enter it into my phone.

"Thanks, mate." He nods and pats my back as I stand up. I walk towards my ride. I turn back once and wave to Sear. He returns the wave and I get in the car.


Karma Smith

I get into the car, my headphones on and my music blasting. I didn't want to talk. I didn't want to see. I sit back and close my eyes.

"Karma!" My sister yells. I ignore her, continuing to listen to my music.

She taps my knee. Slowly, I open my eyes. I see her mouth move, but I don't hear any words coming out. Shrugging I close my eyes again.

Check yes, Juliet

Are ya with me, ran is falling down on the sidewalk

I won't go, until you come outside.

I tap my foot to the beat.

We arrive at my moms house. Rolling my eyes I get out of the car and slam the door. Not bothering to say anything I walk to the door and into the house. Dropping my stuff I plop down on the couch, my headphones still in.

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