▪ Nineteen

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Branka parked the car just in front of the house Stella had told her to drive to, letting out a deep sigh as she glanced at the small house, eyebrows furrowing as she took in the garden in front of the building.

"I'm sorry, Aili is here?"

Stella didn't answer as she left the car, a small smile forming on her lips as she looked at the house, taking it in for the first time during daylight. It was painted a light green, appearing to be rather friendly when compared to the rest of the houses around it. She walked over to it and pushed the small wooden door of the fence open and got in the garden of the house. Her smile widened as she took in all of the different plants all around her, the numerous flowers in various colours that bloomed in their own different paces. If she had had doubts before, she now was sure; this definitely was Ian's house.

"Stella, are you sure about this-"

"This is one of the things I'm the most sure of in my life, Branka," she called over her shoulder without taking her eyes off of the house. "I trust him."

And without waiting another second, she raised her hand and knocked on the door. She had to wait a few seconds or a minute, she couldn't really say, all the while listening to Branka's deep breaths just beside her as she waited for the door to open. Soon later, she heard the distinct sound of a door unlocking and the door opened.

He was just like she remembered him being. Tall, exceptionally fit, blond hair just a bit ruffled in an attractive manner, russet eyes bright as he looked down at her, a smile forming on his lips that didn't widen, as if he was wondering whether he was supposed to be so friendly towards her. But Stella was long past being hesitant. With a smile of her own she took a step forward and wrapped her arms around his middle, her smile widening as he reciprocated the gesture.

"Thank you, Ian," she mumbled as she pulled back, pleased to see the dimples on his cheek as he smiled at her a bit brighter than before.


"I'm sorry," Branka spoke up, ruining their moment. Stella took a step back as she allowed his attention to turn to her friend. "Where is Aili?"

"In my bedroom, sleeping," he replied without missing a beat before gesturing to her to get inside. "Come. I'll show you."

Branka exchanged a vague look with Stella but still followed after him. Stella let herself in and closed the door behind her as she followed them to Ian's bedroom, letting out a breath she hadn't realised she had been holding as she noticed Aili's sleeping form on the bed, her mask off but her suit still on, her face bruised, lip cut.

"You took her mask off?" Branka asked as she stood beside her and looked at Ian who hadn't followed her, instead choosing to stay close to Stella.

"I did. I had to determine how wounded she was."

"How come you found her?" Stella asked as she looked up at him. He turned to face her, giving her his undivided attention.

"I went out for a walk after a boxing game I won last night. I heard her scream and found her in an alley beside a burnt trunk, a dozen of Psion's men attacking her. I couldn't just stand by and watch it happen, you know. One of them was holding a knife, they were planning to kill her just like that."

Stella tilted her head to the side as she watched him, the corner of her lips curling upwards into a slight smirk. "And I'm supposed to believe you became a moral person now, a good man?"

He nodded, "That was our deal, wasn't it?"

"Our deal?" Branka exclaimed as she looked between them. "What deal?"

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