Skull pt.2

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    The torturous faces of those unfortunate souls.  The pleas and cries of the volleyball team member as they work through literal blood, sweat, and tears to stay alive from their deadly nightmare.  As the physical and emotional battle rages on, Morgana finally leads us to an empty room. “We should be safe here from the guards. I sense a lack of distortion here.” mumbled the cat.  Ryuji, who is winded from all the running, let’s out a tired breath. “What does….that mean?” he asked. Right after he asked his question, the room shifts into an empty classroom before changing back into the humid, damp room.  “A classroom?” Ryuji questioned. “That’s right. There are places in the real world, where the ruler cannot reach, like this room for example. The rest of the place however, is completely distorted into the ruler’s desires, taking shape into how he sees it.  I call it, a ‘Palace’”. Morgana explained. Ryuji’s eyes lit up in frustration. “All of this… what that bastard sees in his own twisted mind…” he trailed off before chuckling lowly and kicking the nearby junk that was scattered on the floor. “That son of a bitch!” the boy shouted.

    Morgana only stared at him then crossed his tiny, furry arms.  “You really despise this Kamoshida person huh?” he questioned. Ryuji’s eyes pierced at the cat, still holding onto his emotional grudge.  “Oh, ‘despise’ is far beyond on how I feel about him.” he mumbled darkly. Morgana looked at me in question and I could only shrug. “I don’t know much, but I know enough.” I added.  Morgana sighed, “In anycase, don’t let your emotions blind the both of you. His lackeys are still everywhere, we need the both of you to be on guard.” he lectured. Ryuji took a few deep breaths before turning back to Morgana and I. “Don’t worry, I won’t.  Also I want to help out a little too. So…..” ryuji words trailed off as he pulled out a handgun from his pockets. “What the-!? Where did you-!?” I stuttered out. Ryuji grinned with pride and innocence. “Relax! It’s only a model, it only makes sounds so I thought it’ll help you a bit.” Morgana scoffed.  “How is a toy supposed to help him?” Ryuji only shrugged. “It looks real, so it could really fake em out.” he replied. “Well at least you’re prepared I guess. Let’s-” Morgana abruptly stopped talking, his ears twitches curiously. “Morgana?” I questioned. Ryuji tilted his head at the black cat. “I hear…..footsteps…..and it’s close by too!” he shouted.  Both of our eyes widened. “What!?” Ryuji shouted. The door handle suddenly began to move, making the three of us quickly turn to the door. “H-Hey! I thought you said that we’ll be safe in here!” Ryuji exclaimed. “I-I’m just as confused as you are!” Morgana exclaimed back. “Guys. This is not the time to argue. Ryuji, get ready to grab them as soon as they walk in.” I commanded, taking the model gun from him.  “O-Oh…...S-Sure.” he responded.  

    With Ryuji near the door, Morgana stayed in his position, and I stood near Ryuji holding the trigger on the pistol.  The handle began to shake violently, finally making a “click” in the door frame. As soon as the door cracked open, Ryuji reached out and grabbed the figure with a tight grip.  The figure let out a high squeal before being pulled inside the room with its mouth covered and arms restricted behind their back. I immediately pointed the gun at the figure while Morgana took out his weapon.  It took me awhile to realize who exactly was in front of me right now.

   Terrified (e/c) dilated eyes, sweaty (s/c) skin, uneven and unorganized (h/c) hair, (f/c) headphones around her neck, and a shujin uniform just like Ryuji, just a bit loose and revealing.  I widened my eyes at how terrified she was looking at me and lowered the gun instantly. “Ryuji, let her go.” I exclaimed. The blonde arched an eyebrow at me. “Huh? Why?” he asked before taking a good look at the figure’s face. As soon as he found out that he was holding you, he instantly let go of you.  “W-Woah!! (Y/n)!?” Ryuji shouted. You were completely frozen in fear, your skin looked even more pale than usual. As soon as I opened my mouth to speak, your eyes rolled back and soon enough, you fell forward. “Hey! (Y/n)!” I shouted, catching her in my arms. “Do you two know this girl?” Morgana asked after putting away his weapon.  “Yeah ...she's a student in our school, but what is she doing here?” Ryuji questioned scratching the back of his head. I looked down at you and noticed that your uniform is a bit loose. It showed much of your shoulders and the laced strap on it. I don’t know why, but I felt something within me. Rage? Irritation? I think that’s what I’m feeling.  “She looks so drained, why don’t we stay here until she recovers?” Morgana suggested. Ryuji and I exchanged looks before nodding in agreement.

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