Bizarre - A J POV

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God but she's beautiful.

"You're Justin Bieber." She states as if it's the most obvious thing in the world, I guess it is. I'm standing right infront of her.

"I am" She nods and purses her lips before tucking the small mirror back inside of her bag. She looks like she'd be a good kisser.

"Wow!" She seems to stutter over what to say next and I can only keep my eyes on her in complete enchantment. "Um...thanks for my!" She repeats and I chuckle to myself scratching the back of my neck out of awkwardness.

"It's fine really." She nods once more before backing up and my shoulders sag as she drifts away. I don't want her to go, I want to know everything about her.

"Hey, wait! I'm sorry but I heard you before," I pause wincing as I scratch my eyebrow "Do you need a ride to your hotel?" She looks uncomfortable as her eyes shift over to the queue for cabs inside of the hotel lobby.

"Uh, hotel of sorts but I was just gonna wait for a cab!" I nod in understanding before clearing my throat. This has to be up there with some of the most idiotic things I've ever done but here we go.

"Tell me to mind my business, I;ve got a habit of overstepping boundaries but," She shifts her weight from one hip to the other looking like she hasn't got time for my pestering anymore and the nerves fill every part of my body. And I love it! Nobody would be tired of me so fast and here she is desperate to get away. "The queue for cabs is like a mile long. I've got people who can get you back in a quarter of the time and it'll be safer for you?" I offer and I can see her thinking it through, her eyes narrowing at me in concern.

"I've just met you it's hardly safer." She counters and I nod in agreement but she's forgetting one very important thing.

"Do you really think I could kidnap somebody and the press not get a hold of it? I hardly think so."

She pauses again and it's almost like I can see every part of her brain moving as she contemplates the offer. "Fine." I almost fist pump the air in excitement like the complete dork I am. "I still can't see how letting a complete stranger drive me home is safer but I need to go, so sure." I can't hide the smile that comes to my lips. I like her sass. She definitely gives as good as she gets. "I'm going home though, I live here." I nod telling her to follow me as we head towards the far side of the lobby where my driver and security dropped me, promising they'd be there all night.

"I promise I'm not a serial killer; even if I wanted to kill you there'd be too many people there taking photos of it to be a secret. I'd be a pretty shitty serialkiller." I joke and thankfully she laughs along with me and it's like music. Actual music! Jesus, can I be around her forever?

I greet Mikey who is slumped in a chair by the entrance and watching something on his phone clearly not expecting to see me back so soon, nevermind with company. "We're leaving," I announce and he nods swiftly bringing himself up to stand straight and within three minutes the girl, who's name I still don't know is sliding into the back of the Rolls Royce which is mine for the duration of the stay. She tells the driver the address explaining how we have to make a stop if it's okay before I drop her home and then straps herself in with her seatbelts and grabs her phone out of her bag to send some texts. Mikey eyes me carefully from the front seat but I pretend not to notice as I relax into the seat.

"So what's your name?" I eventually ask, realising that I probably should've asked this well before now. I wish that I asked way before now.

"Charlotte Forster." She replies quickly looking up from her phone, hopefully not telling the entire world what's happening right now.

"Charlotte's a pretty name for a p-"

She laughs loudly shaking her head cutting me off with a firm "Don't even finish that sentence!" I widen my eyes slightly as she shrugs and slides her phone into her bag. "It's such a weird thing to say. I'd rather you tell me how annoying and long it is." She smiles at me teasing and I chuckle quietly nodding in understanding. It was a weak line to begin with.

"Okay, it's long, really annoyingly long. Do you have a shorter name I can call you?" I ask and she smiles at me brightly.

"Charlie." She says softly and for the first time, she looks nervous and a little bit unsure. "My name's Charlie". I'mmomnetarily knocked breathless by the admission and it's good that she tells the driver to pull over before explaining that she'll be two minutes before disappearing over a wall.

"You okay dude?" Mikey asks from the front seat and I nod in confirmation my phone buzzing with a call from Fredo which I quickly ignore. Whatever he wants or wherever they are I don't really care anymore. This car ride has been the highlight of the trip so far.

The girl, or Charlie as I now know her reappears two minutes later, a small body in her arms and bright red Iron Man backpack draped over her shoulder in place of the clutch bag she was holding before. She almost falls back into the car, small arms wrapped tightly around her neck as she shushes him softly. "My brothers a little sick." She explains nervously, her hands coming to scratch the back of his neck as he snuggles into her. He looks very small and clingy and it reminds me of how clingy Jaxon gets when I'm around. "We're almost home though so he should be okay. I can just get a cab from here if you'd prefer?" She offers and I shake my head quickly asking her where she lives before we start moving again.

The next ten minutes are spent getting to know eachother better as her brother, Jamie, stirs and occasionally whines in his drowsy state. Charlie studied photography at college, her favourite animal is a lion, her brother is four but very close to five as he likes to remind everyone at each opportunity and for her eighteenth birthday she got a white land rover which is her pride and joy. Charlie is also 22.

We come to a stop outside of a light beige house with a white land rover and another car in the open garage / sun shade and a large palm tree sitting to the side where a path leads up to an oak door. a quiet 'wow' leaves me and Charlie laughs almost silently. "You really do live here." I say in amazement, I don't know why, I thought she was maybe exaggerating or elaborating on the truth just to catch my attention. It wouldn't be the first time it's happened.

"I don't generally say I live where I don't." Her laugh is back ans I grin at the sound of it watching as she digs her key out of the bag. "Thank you so much for this." She says looking at me with those big soft brown eyes. It really wasn't a bother, I'm pretty sure if she asked nice enough I would've carried her all the way here nevermind gave her a ride. She fishes a pen out of her bag and grabs my hand sending warmth shooting up it. "If you need anything, really anything whilst you're here feel free to give me a call." She smiles writing down her number on my arm before clutching her brother close to her body once more and sliding out of the car.

As soon as she was there she was gone.

I wipe my face with my hand in disbelief. Charlie Forster might be one of the most fascinating people I've ever met in my life, and I want to know her more. And now I have her number? Tonight has been insane in the best possible way.

As always I love y'all and miss y'all! And I also miss Charlie and Justin, would you guys be up for more of this? Even if it was new one shots? Stuff like that??

(and yes this is my new user it's also my user on Twitter so feel free to hmu 💖)

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