Explanation (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

"Now, you are going to tell us what you been hiding from us, because it already effected us, and endangered the Original, which you actually can prevent from happening if you told us in the first place!" Petir's voice boomed again, Fang, Gopal, Yaya and Ying uncounciously step back, as Captain Papa who held Cactus in his arms, was cowering behind Daun for protection. The lightning element was too scary!

"Petir, that's enough." Tanah said gently to Petir. Comander Koko Ci looked that Daun who sat on the bed beside Tanah's, already summoned some roots, ready to restrain Petir if needed. "No need for violence. You are forbidden to attack anyone in this room. Understand?"

Petir glared at Tanah, "Original is too soft to these people. That's why he been bullied around by them. So are you, too soft, too trusting."

"Petir." Tanah locked his eyes on Petir's. "Please. I am in the middle of explaining. Sit down and let me handle this."

Petir sighed dejectly. He inhaled slowly, forcing himself to calm down. He sat on the bed, grumbled in displeasure. "Fine, but I am not happy with this."

Tanah smiled softly. "You don't have to. Daun, stand down."

"Okay." Daun calmly dispelled the roots, ignoring Petir's glares at him, like he have been doing this the thousandth times.

Tanah then turned his head to the small superior officer, "Comander? I am sorry on behalf Petir's behaviour, although he did voice my disagreement of your decision to keep what you know from us. Anyways, do please continue. Captain Kaizo, you can slid the sword back into its sheath, Petir will not lash out anymore. You have my word."

Comander Koko Ci eyed Petir, trusting Tanah's words that Petir would not lashed out, continue his earlier interruped speech, "Captain Vargoba's first mate managed to escape from us that day. We received an intel, saying that he managed to sneak into this base, and we believe he want to seek revenge on Boboiboy."

Yaya hummed understandingly, "So thats why there are troops seems to search for something, or rather, someone, that explains the stricter security at the base ground in these few days."


"But the thing that attacked Boboiboy is a racoon, right?" asked Gopal.

"Captain Vargoba's first mate is a racoon."

"What?!" Everyone surprise was understatement, they had met a lot of weird aliens, but a racoon as the most fierce pirate captain's first mate? Well, this really blow their mind.

"To think, a racoon is second in command of large pirate fleets. A wonder if anyone wants to receive command from a racoon." Ying laughed.

"Captain Vargoba's first mate was known to be cunning and intelligent, one of the main reasons of Captain Vargoba pirate fleet succeed as the most feared fleet. He is more cruel than Captain Vargoba himself." Captain Kaizo added.

"I think it is safe to assume that the racoon that attacked Boboiboy is Captain Vargoba's first mate," Fang offered his opinion.

Comander Koko Ci nodded. "I agree, That why I asked Ramenman earlier to strengthen our security."

"So, what happened after that?" Yaya turned to Tanah.


Boboiboy stand up and looked outside the window, no sign of that racoon anywhere. "I never see a racoon like that here before, well, of course, I am stuck in this room since I woke up, how I am suppose to know any animal that live on this planet?"

He scratched his head, looked at his power watch which already stopped glowing and return to its original state, blinking just like this evening, "Why the watch is glowing earlier? I will ask Ochobot tomorrow."

He took a first aid kit that available in the medical room, treated his wounds, laid on his bed and closed his eyes. He was exhausted, so in only a few seconds after his head touched the pillow, he already fell asleep.

A few minutes later...

Boboiboy got more restless on the bed, turning to sides while moaning in emotional pain. The power watch blinked rapidly, Boboiboy suddenly woke up as his power watch got hotter each second. He saw the watch glowed brightly, and the heat began to burn his wrist. He tried to take the watch off but failed. The watch glowed so bright that he can't open his eyes, suddenly, all he saw was darkness, and he knew nothing after that.

Tanah P.O.V

I open my eyes, seeing the weak light dimly lit the room, and looked around weirdly. I didn't remember being summon to fight or anything, and suddenly I realize, I am not alone in this room, the other elemental powers are in front of me. Apparently we being summoned simultaneously.

I saw Petir who has a staring contest (read: glaring) with Cahaya, Daun and Air are sleeping on the floor like a log, Api look around in curiosity and Angin is tinkering a machine near a bed, more like destroying it actually. And shockingly, there is another person, the Original, or known as Boboiboy himself, currently looking at us in clear shock. I gasped, took a step back resulting a vase on the table being knock down and crashed on the floor.

My action caught the attention of the rest of the elements, aside from Daun and Air who still sleeping on the floor. Four pairs of eyes looking at the only non-element Boboiboy in the room, simultaneously thought, 'You got to be kidding me...'

How on earth this can happened?

This chapter was really hard to write, especially the Petir's scolding part. I think I am not suited to write angst or emotional story, it's too depressing...don't know if I succeed deliver the feelings through this chapter, I hope I do!

Anyways, let me know what you think about this chapter. Stay tuned!

Edit: Beta'd by FHEtsuko

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