Chapter 14: YG's Call

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"B team, You are requested to go to YG building tomorrow as per Yang Hyungsuk sajangnim's order," the staff said creating confusion on the members' faces.

Why would Yang Hyunsuk want B team on YG for tomorrow? They were just requested to go the company building whenever there are important events or things to talk about. Besides, they are called by the CEO as a team, usually it is only B.I or Bobby who goes to the building once in a while.

"Did he said why?" Joonhoe asked speaking in behalf of the members who are still wondering on the invite. The staff moved his head sideways, signaling he has no idea and left the room.

"What is it now?" Joonhoe asked. "Why did I get nervous all of a sudden?"

It is not just Joonhoe who got nervous but all the members as well. What will happen tomorrow?

"Is it about our team? Is it regarding the result of WIN? Will he..." Donghyuk can't continue what he was saying, just the thought of it breaks his heart.

"What if Donghyuk is right? He will not call all of us if it doesn't concern the whole team," Yoonhyeong added feeling uneasy of their situation right now.

"I never thought this day would come. We spent everyday believing that the six of us will debut as a team. But now, I do not know anymore, what will happen now?" Joonhoe said with worries.

"Hey, don't overthink, we don't know what he wants from us yet," Jinhwan looked at B.I and Bobby as if trying to say something to them through eye contact.

"Ahh, maybe he will announce that we will be joining the family concert once again. That would be great right?" Hanbin is trying to break the tension that is building up.

"Yes definitely. He will announce that we will join the next family tours. Don't worry," Bobby added.

Later that day when everyone went home Bobby, Jinhwan, and B.I talked at the dorm's deck.

"Do you think the rumors before were true?" Jinhwan asked Bobby who is looking in an empty space.

"What do you mean hyung? The rumors that YG will give us a new challenge once again? What is it exactly?" Hanbin replied thinking of the reasons why YG would want to see them.

"I just hope this would not greatly affect our team. I am worried as well," Bobby said.

B Team slept with a heavy heart, not knowing what would be tomorrow's surprise. Just the thought of 'it' made them like this. Can they just skip the day after today? Are they ready for 'it'? For possible... disbandment?


[Fangirl Note:]

At long last! We are on Mix&Match era. Expect conversations and situations that we saw on M&M here. As I've said I am basing my story on the actual events and activities of Bteam/iKON. Thank you to iKON Global for the awesome subs. Fightiing~

With Team B : The JourneyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon