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Hello, their readers,

   Merely wanted to give you a heads-up on what's to come in the following chapters you are about to read. The characters and stories in this book are in real-life people, names, ages, a few events, and places have been altered for the privacy to the people. The main character Tiffany suffers from a disorder named: Dissociative Identity, Disorder also named Multiple Personalities Disorder. 

Medical definition: 

   Dissociative identity disorder, formerly called multiple personality disorder, is often identified by a person's identity fragmenting into two or more personality states. People with this condition are victims of severe abuse. 

 Source Web MD.

______________disclaimer!!!! _________________________________

I do not own any rights to the pictures of the characters only the story and characters themselves. please excuse any misspelling of words, its late and i just got off work.

unto the story!!!!

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