Part 4

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Author note: sorry if the spelling is bad or the story isnt good its my first book comment if you have any suggestions on how to make it better and sorry its short


Bruce Pov:

I stared at her, the one and only love of my life, I had to pinch myself over and over again trying, no hoping that this isnt just a dream before I can open my mouth Diana interrupted. "Oh Percy you have already met Bruce or as you would know him Batman" "thats why I knew his name, Bruce is that really you" just the sound of her angelic voice woke me up from my day dream. My feet took over my body and started to run towards her, the voices of the other members only a blur in my ears as I peered into her eyes. As I reached her I pulled her into a death hug never wanting to let go.

I was snapped out of my daydream by Diana yelling "Bruce whats going on" all I could do was stare at Percy smiling as if it was the first time in years and whispered "Percy was my childhood friend before she disappeared and I thought she had died" even though it was a whisper I knew Diana and most of the team heard and gasped.

Percy Pov:

As I got out of Bruces hug I turned toward the rest of the team only for Aquaman to gasp and fall into a bow "My Princess" he spoke in Atlantean a small smile graced my lips as I responded the only way no how in Atlantean "my old friend you dont need to bow you are practically family." As we were talking a young boy that looked almost identical to Bruce stood forward and in a monotone voice stated "so you Atlantean" "No young one Im not" he gave me a bored look then replied "then you are Amazonian" it took me a second to connect the dots on how he got to that conclusion but before any other words could leave my mouth Diana replied for me "shes not that either although we have spent years trying to get you to become one" finally in results to her words the child showed some sort of emotion. Seeing this situation about to escalate I replied in a calm voice "My name is Persephone Jackson Daughter of Poseidon and a demi-god as are my friends" as I finished my introductions Arthur butted in by adding "she is also the princess of the oceans and has faced off in two horrific wars and survived" I bowed my head at the group embarrassed with the additional information that was given.

Suddenly a finger is under my chin bringing me eye to eye with my only childhood friend Bruce "dont be embarrassed the fact you have survived that and still are able to smile is an amazing feat" hearing those soothing words coming out of his mouth brought back the reasons why I fell in love with him in the first place.

Slowly the air around us got awkward but somehow sensing my embarrassment my friends descided to introduce themselves as a way of saving me.

"Oh yeah Im hazel daughter of Pluto"

"Im Piper daughter of Aphrodite"

"Im Thalia daughter of Zeus"

"Im Nico son of Hades "

"Im Jason son of Jupiter "

"Im Annabeth daughter of Athena"

Third Pov:

'This will be fun' thought everyone as the stared at the two reunited friends

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2019 ⏰

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