Chapter 2

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Author note: sorry if the spelling is bad or the story isnt good its my first book comment if you have any suggestions on how to make it better and sorry its short


Meanwhile all the way in Long Island a gorgeous women sat on her bed cleaning her sword when a man entered "Percy are you done cleaning your sword, we have been summoned by Mr.D, common" sighing she places the cloth down starring at her old friend "Nico what does he want this time" "don't ask me Im just the messenger" sighing again she turned her sword back into its pen form and followed Nico out of her cabin to find Mr.D.

Percys Pov

As I was making my way towards the main cabin I spotted Annabeth walking in the same direction "hey Wise girl were you summoned to" "yeah seaweed brain, hey your looking down whats going on" she turned to look at me "have you been thinking about him again" that shocked me causing me to look around checking if anyone heard because if they did I wouldnt be hearing the end of it. I stopped completely and turned to my best friend and the only one that knows about HIS existence in my life "to be honest yes I cant get him out of my head every time I try to go in a date I just compare everyone to him." Annabeth stared at me shocked until she finally broke out of it with a fit of anger "YOU WENT ON A DATE WITHOUT TELLING ME" she yelled only then did I realize what I just said ad quickly started running towards the main cabin with a infuriated Annabeth behind me.

Annabeths Pov

Running after seaweed brain into the cabin was a bad idea as we ended up creating a large scene in front of everyone. By everyone I mean the other seven of our group Hazel, Piper, Thalia, Jason Nico, Frank, Leo as well as Mr.D and a mysterious women. She was dressed in a skimpy out fit with a lasso around her hip, everyones attention was on us. "uh hey guys" Percy suddenly said causing all eight of us to burst out laughing and Mr.D to shake his heads and the Stanger to look bewildered. "Ok everyone this here is Diana Prince also known as wonder women but she is also the daughter of Zeus and an Amazonian" we all stared at her in bewilderment "Guys are you just going to stare or are you going to introduce yourself" Mr.D said snapping us out of our thoughts. "Oh yeah Im hazel daughter of Pluto"  "Im Piper daughter of Aphrodite" "Im Thalia daughter of Zeus " "Im Nico son of Hades" "Im Jason son of Jupiter" "Im Annabeth daughter of Athena" "and Im Persephone Jackson daughter of Poseidon"

Wonder womens Pov

I stared at all nine of them in amazement these are the legendary heroes that stories have been told all around the world especially Persephones. "its an honour to meet you all but I wish it was in better times" with that statement they all looked at me in confusion I looked at Mr.D only to see him signal to me that they dont know. I sighed of course ill be the one to tell them about the situation and ask for their help, I took a deep breath and started explaining "the world needs your help, Im in an organization of superheroes to protect the world called the justice league but recently we have come across some monsters that can only be defeated by our mythical weapons, so Im here today to ask for your help to team up with us to help save the world." They all looked at me in shock only for their faces to go blank, I had dread creep up into my heart as I stood there for five minutes as they all look at each other only the them to look at me with smiles and said "were in."


All nine of them Pov

This will be fun.

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