Wet Dream - requested

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Requested by _depressed_vampire_

Requested by _depressed_vampire_

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More fluffy than normal (oh god bring the sugar)

Not kinky at all (crazy amiright)

This one is just a blowjob and a LOT of filler writing

the smut part is shorter than Rich

Ejaculation on sheets (poor blankets dude 😔👊)

Not edited cuz who tf has time for that crap


Best friends to make it awkward *peace sign*

During squip. Jeremy claims to like Christine but the squip knows him better than he does and sets up a wet dream to try and get him to realise who he actually has an interest in. (spolier. it's michael.)

Squip's POV (you don't see this much, do you?)

"Jeremy, you're obviously gay for Michael. It can tell from accessing your severe emotional and... sexual nervous system."

"But... Christine!"

"According to your amygdala and right brain, you do not feel any romantic attraction to her anymore."

"But- I'm straight! Aren't I?"

"Sexuality doesn't matter in this equation. The only thing that matters is that you like Michael, and that means you want him. As your squip, I am programmed to help you receive what you want. Therefore, starting tomorrow, I am going to give you tips on how to get closer to your new target."

"S-squip, I don't know if-"

"Ventrolateral preoptic nucleus inhibiting activity arousal centres in brain: On." (That means sleep lmao)

He immediately loses consciousness. I sigh. This kid really is hopeless.

I pick him up and hoist on onto his bed, covering him with his quilt.

"Good night, slugger."

I type "Posterior cortical hot zone activity: low." (That makes you dream) Into a settings bar and leave him be.

Jeremy's POV

"Hey Michael!" I wave as I see him in the hallway.

"Hey baby!" He replies, acting jittery, his one hand grabbing tightly onto his backpack strap and the other clutching a slushie.



"Uh... yeah, hi! How was your weekend?"

Boyf riends sorta smut (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now