Bro Duet

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Michael's POV Restricted (I think that's what it's called? btw this isn't smut)

"Hey dude!" Michael greeted Jeremy enthusiastically. He had waited years to tell him this, and was no doubt nervous of the outcome.

"Yeah bro?" was the response as Jeremy strolled downstairs into the basement.

"I-I got something I need to take off my chest."

" do?"

Michael took a deep breath in and prepared himself.

"Hey dude! We've been best friends for a really long time now."

"Yeah dude!"

"And there's something I need you to know..."


"Remember that time we were surfing," Michael giggled at the memory that took place about a year ago, happy that he never went 10 feet near the ocean again.

"And I almost drowned" He continued.

"And you dragged me to the beach, and performed CPR. Well, no homo! But that's the day I fell in love with you, no homo! But that's the day I knew you were miiiiiiiiiiiine. Looking into your eyes! Made me realize! No homo, but you're lips touching mine, changed my life."

"Bro!" Jeremy abruptly stopped him. Michael was scared, did he say something wrong? Did Jeremy want to cut off more than 12 years of friendship because he found out Michael was in love with him? He didn't want that to happen. And that's why he played it safe with the whole "no homo" card thing. His thoughts were cut off by Jeremy's soft voice.

"...Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"Yeah, I think so..." He was certainly sweating by now.

"Yeah dude. I totally get what you're saying."

"You do?" A wave of relief spread over Michael. Thank god his crush wasn't mad at him!

"I've been wanting to tell you for so long..."

"You feel the same way, too?" He beamed. He still had hope after all!

"Remember that time at Disney World, when I ate that giant turkey leg?"


"And I started choking until you came along? No homo! But that's the day I fell in love with you." Michael couldn't believe what he was hearing. Did he really like him back?! It sounded too good to be true, after all, he was still pining over Christiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine Canigula, the sweet drama kid from school who sang a whole song about how much she loved play rehearsal.

"No homo! But that's the day I knew we were right. You're body pressed into mine somehow didn't cross the line."

"Why would it have?"

"No homo! But that day... changed my life."

"The outside world might see us as gay! But bro, we swear, we're not!" The boys sang in unison and harmony, as if it was rehearsed.

"We're just two bros chilling out, and I think you're really hot!"

"We're just two bros chilling out, and I think you're really awesome!" Damn it. Michael realised his mistake and panicked. IT RHYMED IT WAS SUPPOSED TO RHYME AHHHHHHHHH was his thought process as he internally questioned his existence.

"What?" Jeremy innocently asked. Michael couldn't tell if it was confused or hopeful.

"Uh... I- What? *wheeze*"

"Snuggling with you under the covers. No homooooo" Jeremy continued as a very flustered Michael was calming down.

"Spooning with you just like we're lovers, no hoooooooomo" Mike transitioned beautifully down the line of notes at the last word.

"Our lips touch for a minute or two, but... no homo."

"It's okay with me if it's okay with youuuuu!"

"It totally is!"

"No homo!" They continued together.

"Let's find an apartment together! No homo! Let's save money by sharing a beeeeeed!" Michael blushed at the idea but kept singing nonetheless.

"Looking into your eyeeeees! Made me realizeeee, that I love you more than you could ever knowwwwwwwwwww!" They stopped for a bit to catch their breath.

"My, brooooooooooooo..." That word still stung Michael in the heart, he was brozoned, but it was the best and closest he could ever get to dating Jeremy. He could only fantasize about that. He decided that being besties was enough, and left it at that for now, no matter how much it hurt.

"No homooooooooooooo!"

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