Character Desciptions

Start from the beginning

Age:13 about to be 14

Bff: Joseph Titus Hughes,Danny Menve Dahlberg,Alex Titanium Probst,Jerry Auto Aceti,Adam Felix Juneau,Ethan Calvin Stapleton,Paxton Davion Christie,

Past:Abused by his Mother Neglected by his father he was Five when he was taken to an orphanage his father hated him his mother in jail he went to an orphanage that became a living nightmare Till He was Adopted By team crafted at six.



Looks:Shaggy Black hair,Hazel Brown Eyes,Usually wears a Black T-Shirt and Plain Blue Jeans.Red Teni shoes and also has a pair of Blue Headphones around his neck.

School:Subaru middle school

Crush:Cat Amelia Ender

YouTube Channel:Shanemc


Name:Joseph Titus Hughes

Age:13 about to be 14

Bff's:Shane Daniel Ellis,,Danny Menve Dahlberg,Alex Titanium Probst,Jerry Auto Aceti,Adam Felix Juneau,Ethan Calvin Stapleton,Paxton Davion Christie

Past:When HE Was Only One He Would Have To Listen Which Would Be Hard For a 1 Year old to do so when he wouldn't behave he would Get Either Starved or Abused.When he was 3 he was sent to the orphanage because of his parents being Abusers so when he went he thought it was going to be fine but he was bullied by the other kids Till he was adopted by team crafted (Mitch is the legal father)

Enemy:jefferson Mean Bully


Looks:Hazel Brown Eyes and Chocolate brown hair,Red t-shirt and blue jeans,Red teni

School:Subaru middle school

Crush:Karie Amelia Greene

YouTube Channel:SlayerJosephMC


Name:Danny Menve Dahlberg


Bff:Joseph Titus Hughes, Alex Titanium Probst,Jerry Auto Aceti,Adam Felix Juneau,Ethan Calvin Stapleton,Paxton Davion Christie,Shane Daniel Ellis

Past:Slave For His Father.Abused By his Mother,That Is How life was for Danny At school he was called Worthless Mistake Clumsy.When He Was Ten His Mother And Father Died in A Terrible car accident that his sister kept blaming him on.He was sent to an orphanage he didn't have any friends all he had was his youtube account and team crafted.He Was Eleven when Team Crafted Adopted him and now he has a perfect family.

Enemy:The Bullies at school.


Looks:Brown Hair with Chocolate Brown eyes Wears a Lime green Tee and black Jeans and blue Teni-shoes.

School:Subaru middle school


YouTube Channel:DannyPlaysMC


Name:Alex Titanium Probst,

Age:6 about to be 7

Bff: Titus Hughes,Danny Menve Dahlberg,Jerry Auto Aceti,Adam Felix Juneau,Ethan Calvin Stapleton,Paxton Davion Christie,Shane Daniel Ellis

Past:His Mother and father died in a car crash when he was only 6 months old was adopted by Tc When he was one.

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