XI: Pain in the Light

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Your stomach twisted.

You wanted to hug him, cry into his arms, tell him everything.... but you were in someone else's  control.

It wasn't the right time to respond to his proclamation. Giorno didn't even try to redirect you back to his confession. Your head felt like a thousand needles poking at you. Your hands grasped at your throbbing headache.

"I feel like I'm supposed to be somewhere else. Like if I'm being pulled somewhere that isn't here it hurts a lot" another shock flowed through your body.

"Like a connection?" His hands grasped at both sides of your shoulders. Your color had dropped. What if you died right now, everything would be fine wouldn't it? Your vision began going hazy while the man in front of you tried keeping you on this planet.

"Give me a second" he was desperate.  The male made his way to his dresser, he pulled out an arrow.

That must be it.

"I can save you."

It was as if he was pleading for you himself.

"What does it do?" You said reaching out. "Don't touch it" he said sternly, "I'm gonna try something now that you're fully conscious and if it doesn't work, I'll tell you what this arrow does."

He placed the arrow right besides you on the bedside table. Unbeknownst to you, he called out his stand, it would revert you back into the state you were in only days ago. He was able to heal you in a way due to the ability of giving your injuries new life. The only thing he couldn't fix was the internal injuries.

You were now fully in control of your whole body. You could move without a single card despite your headache that kept growing.

Giorno looked at you lovingly. That's when you remembered. Your eyes broke contact with him to glance at the arrow next to you. 'It's now or never."

In an instant you snatched the arrow.

"Y/N! What are you doing put it down please!" His hands were pointed at you as if he had magic.

Did you have a stand?

Giorno was inflicted with doubts and thoughts of betrayal, had he let go of himself so carelessly?

"I'm-im sorry" you said looking at him. He was pleading for you to put it down, separating more space between the two of you. Amongst this stand off, a figure flashed in both individuals peripheral vision.

The window shattered.

A woman and 3 other men appeared. Giorno quickly took action pulling out his stand (you couldn't see it). "Y/N! HID THE ARROW AND RUN. INFORM THE GANG GO!" Instinctively you ran towards the door before toppling on the floor.

Giornos face turned to your fallen body. His stance was left unguarded, Jacob threw the first punch. "You guys and your timing, god I thought all of this would take longer!"

Giorno wiped the blood off his mouth.

"And here I spent so much time planning, I just took a hunch about a girl you met and called it a night!"

He's a maniac.

All the people Jacob brought with him began cornering you for the arrow. With all your strength you closed your eyes and let out a blood curling scream. That was sure to alert the gang member's in the house. In an instant, the woman above you went to curb stomp your stomach. Swiftly, you rolled out of the way.

Your POV

Ok i don't know what I did but that was fucking awesome

Who even is this lady?

"Stand back" I said raising my hands in a fighting stance, I had stuck the arrow in my bra. It was the best I could think of. But before I could think of anything else she interrupted me.

"Dont make me laugh" the woman spoke venomously. She had dark purple hair and a grunge look to her. She had to be emo or something.

Before I could act she called out, "Sleepy Hollow"


You weren't going to stay here and figure out what Mrs brightside had meant by that so you bolted away from your corner.

The other men went straight for you. Barley dodging and falling on the floor, you crawled onto the bed. Giorno and Jacob were having it out. "SO MUCH FOR A REUNION! TURNS OUT YOURE STILL THAT LITTLE SHRIMP WHO WILL NEVER BE BETTER THAN ME!"

Punch after punch you could see the blond was losing this fight. It wasn't until his face began to bleed that you lost it, "UGH IVE HAD IT WITH YOU LITTLE SHITS. WHATEVER IS SO SPECIAL ABOUT THIS STUPID ASS ARROW YOU ARENT GONNA HAVE IT!"

Everyone froze and turned your direction. You had proclaimed the arrow, holding it up in the air.

"Y/N...be a good servant and give me my arrow" shocks began to shake your body. You only crumbled to your knees.

"You know what?" Everyone began slowly approaching you except for Giorno who laid on the floor. "Fuck you. I'm gonna get you for everything since the day you fucking abducted me."

{Jacob  Russo}
[Stand Oblivious] (by the strokes!!)

It has the power to weaken people and drain their energy and power. It's a humanoid stand with different color capsules leaving a different effect. Possible to use all at once

Blue- overwhelms the enemy leaving them defenseless. Sends false panic system to the nerves
Yellow- drains energy and power of the enemy, it gives the user that power but a more watered down version of it
Red- intoxication, it triggers the brain in different ways

Heavy drawbacks such as personal loss of human functions, loss of hearing and senses



Giorno couldn't get a punch in.

'just one and he could serve the same fate as diavolo' His motivation fed his strength. Just find an opening.

Some blue smoke then overwhelmed me. The thoughts kept coming and worse. 'You won't make it in time 'she's a goner' they will get their hands on the arrow' youre as pathetic as your father 'Muda'

But these thoughts quickly cleared as I heard



Light engulfed the trashed room, blinding everyone in the process.


Authors note

Edited 03/28/24

Authors note 2019:

(Girl with purple streaks from earlier)
[Bella Morte]
{StAnD} Sleepy Hollow
Automatic stand
Sleepy hollow brings out the opponents worst fear causing them to go insane but while its active it harms the user if the power becomes too much it will overwhelm both the user and opponent

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