X: Hope

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The frog had returned to its original spot.

The clothes had been dumped. After evaluating the fabric, it can be determined it is in fact an adult male. It's been 2 hours and a half, they were screwed. Fear started to settle in the young blonds mind. You were gone.

"Hey Giorno check this out, I ran a scan for buildings surrounding our current location. There's a storage unit only 3 miles from us." Mista was determined to get his friends smile back. "We'll check it, Abbachio, run what you can with moody blues, Mista come with me."

Fuming with determination, the men approached the storage unit. Every opening was locked and covered. "Maybe we should wait this out for a second, someone could be in there-"


Giorno punched through the door using golden experience requiem. The curls on his hair become undone. He was running on pure adrenaline.

The loud bang had echoed across the storage unit. Crates upon crates filled the space leaving no extra room for anything. The men signaled eachother with a nod, they were to separate and cover the space.


his heart sank.

He was running, through twists an sharp turns, he made his way to you.

You were knocked out cold, your head covered with dry blood. "Oh my god." Both of the men agreed you looked like hell. Your childhood friend gently put his arms underneath your body. Grabbing a hold of the rusted handcuffs, he changed them into butterflys, "you're free now" he whispered

"G-Giorno?" You said weakly, you had slowly began gaining consciousness. "Yes mia cara?" He was trying to be strong, but seeing you here was making that impossible for him. His smile was cracking as a mixture of relief and pain flashed through his eyes. "I-I I'm-" you tried speaking but it was too hard. Your body was finally retaliating to all the adrenaline that wore off.

Giorno grabbed you bridal style but you winced. Everything hurt. He noticed that it wasn't gonna work without pain. Suddenly you felt your body get overwhelmed with new found strength.

When he touched you, it's like you felt healed. Your bruises and lack of blood would attest otherwise.

Waking up, you rubbed your eyes and looked around. Silk satin sheets, marvelous patterned curtain...you were in Giornos room.

You frantically tried to move, but you were paralyzed. Your movements became manic as you tried fighting the exhaustion your body felt.

Finally being able to sit up, you began trying to toss yourself off the bed. The wood engraved door opened brightly, only for your eyes to be met with teal ones.

"Woah woah settle down there" Giorno grabbed you in time to catch you as your knees gave up. He carried you back to the bed. "I wanted to clean you up but I decided you needed rest and I wasn't gonna do that after the whole thing."

Blankly staring at Giorno the only thing you could think of was all the pain you endured. The grabbing, the throwing, the fighting for your life... the tracker.

"The arrow..." you whispered under your breath. To the outside, you looked frail and beaten. In your eyes, they held fear. "Hey hey" Giornos hand was rubbing itself back and fourth on your arm to calm you down, "what arrow?" After some silence of you not speaking, he continued, "Are you okay? Did he hurt you with an arrow?..."

You closed your eyes trying to find the strength to deceive your friend.

I need the arrow.

Slowly opening them again you bit your lip shyly, "I'm okay now that you're here." Your hand traced its way from Giornos chest to his chin.

"Y/n I- you can barley move just take it easy please-" You placed your finger on his mouth "shhhhh."

Before it could escalate he moved off the bed. "Give me a second" Giorno approached his door and locked it. He then proceeded to cover the window in his room.  As he closed the drapes your neck felt a piercing pain. You could help but yelp. His attention was now drawn away leaving the right side of the window uncovered. He placed a hand on your head to check for a fever.

"Y/n? Is everything seriously oka-mph" he was caught off guard. Your fingers clenched around his collar. Your hands traveled to the back of his neck as you guys kissed. After some hesitation he finally gave in, his hands slipping into your hair, "I love you" he said.

Immediately you stopped.


It wasn't the weakness that was preventing you to move.

The blond shifted back, opening a massive amount of space between you two, "I know it's crazy. I know I've just reconnected with you and thing have happened in the span of days, but that's how things are for me."

Still shocked, you didn't move.

Giorno began to stand, waving his hands around his room, "All of this. The gangs, the boss, the fighting, the money. It all came to me in a matter of days. I was 14? 15? God I don't even remember."

He approached you again, "But with you, you are the only thing that feels normal to me in this world right now. Meeting you again...." His hands crossed, "what if it wasn't a coincidence?"


His hands grabbed yours, "I know this all sounds crazy but I will answer any question you have for me. Before we bumped into eachother- I wished for a better life. I had wished on my way to that restaurant for a new beginning and guess what? Then there was you."

Water began spilling from your eyes.

His fingers wiped away the tears, "You're what I've been searching for."

Your head fell in shame, "Giorno we can't." His figure shifted in place, "why not?"

"Because of the abductor."

He immediately stood up, "Do you know who it is? Did he show his face?"

Your head lifted itself, "Yes i-." You looked out the one window behind giorno. Hiding...lurking in the dark was the man who kidnapped you, you knew it. How else could he shock you. Wherever he is, hes enjoying himself isn't he.

'Breathe y/n'

Once more you closed your eyes to gather your thoughts

Flashes of the abuse plagued your mind. Jacob and his anger, his threats about the person who was right in front of you. Giorno Giovanna, radiating off one of the worst things you can give a person, hope.

Authors note:

Edited 03/28/24

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