IV: Reality Hits

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Many years ago...

It was a Monday morning. You had moved schools for the third time. You had people going up to you trying to be friends.

I'm better alone.

It was an orphan mentality you had developed. You were weird, an outcast. It would always start with people wanting to be friends until something bizarre would happen. Then you were left alone.

2 years later

It was middle school sixth grade everyone shifted and found their own clicks. You didn't really have that many people considering your friends moved the year before the only friend you could really rely on was Haruno. You guys were close and would always walk home together. No one else matched your mood as much as he did. He knew what was wrong if there was anything up.

There was an issue, you knew what went down in his house and you couldn't believe it. You were upset you couldn't help him. To your knowledge you only had him and he only had you. His story fascinated you. He was always kinda a loner but It wasn't until everything bad in his life changed. He wouldn't tell you why, but there was a reason.

Everyone was nice yeah, but only to him. You saw him flourish, you saw him grow. For you though, it was different. You were seen as a troubled runt. Haruno was becoming more mature both mentally and physically. You still stayed towards yourself, unlike him who began partying and going out. It caused a distance.

You didn't want trouble but of course something had to happen. Every time you'd do anything this kid named Jacob would stir up a fight. Classic case of boy thinks hes the best. He became Harunos closest friend. When he wasn't around though, he would pick on you here and there until eighth grade. That's when he got physical.

You guys were outside having freetime. By this year, you and Haruno had drifted more but not completely. That's when you saw a group of kids circled in a corner away from the teachers view.

You could place Jacob apart, he was the one starting the fight. It was a kid minding his own business. A kid who couldn't defend himself. A kid getting picked on just because he sat next to you. It wasn't even his free will, it was the school roster. He was fated to get picked on just because of you.

Jacob had one fist in the air ready to blow it down at the kid held by his collar. "Wow look how cool you look, Jacob picking on kids just to compensate for what his dad does at home" your arms were crossed. He then slowly looked at you, "Sorry was the little invisible freak talking to me?"

You began walking closer, "Dude really? You pick on the weak so you look strong. You know who looks like a freak? You with that lame ass fighting stance."

He then pushed the kid on the ground and walked up to you. The crowd opened up, encasing you into a death trap. Your eyes scanned around sporadically, The teachers couldn't care less. Shit shit shit you could practically hear your heartbeat. Your stomach was twisting and turning in so many ways but you walked into this.

You gulped as he was now in front of you. He put his hand to your face and slowly stroked it. Awkwardly, he was staring into your eyes. He lowered his voice into your ear, "you know people would like you more if you weren't such a prude. Maybe I'd even talk to you." Thats when you kneed him in the nutz.

He clenched his pants as he fell to the ground, "Sorry your hand was cold and I kinda just reacted whoops." An innocent smile flashed in your features. Everyone was laughing except for Haruno. He knew what Jacob was capable of and for that he was terrified.

"I see how it is." The kid rose from the floor, right then you wanted to run you could've but you were frozen in place. At that moment you saw 5 people approach from the crowd. "Nah boys I can settle this on my own" Jacob said. Haruno tried stopping it multiple times but it was no use, "Jay I think she gets it, no one talks to her anyways." His eyes were apologetic.

Your mind couldn't comprehend it. Your thoughts were all over the place you felt like you couldn't breathe. Getting into a proper fighting stance you spoke, "Wanna dance? Let's dance" immediately his fist met your face. You wiped off your busted lip and hit him center on his chest. Knocked back a bit he kept trying to land a hit on you. That's when you punched forward causing him to dodge. While he was crouching, he ran at you full speed and tackled you down.

Hit after hit came.

You could smell the blood pulling underneath you. Your nose was bleeding and you were sure it was also from your forehead. Everything burned. He was sitting on top of you as you tried to block your face.

"Not so tough now princess."

Eventually his friends started to pull him back. You clenched your stomach and turned over coughing. Blood spit out as your throat burned. Everyone began dispersing. He walked away and called his group back. They were dramatically facing away from you. Haruno was frozen on you but your eyes never met him. You stood up and limped towards the punk. Tapping him on the back and with all the strength you had left you swung at his face breaking his nose.

Bitch boy fell in the ground clenching his face. Everyone found him cool for beating you up but when you broke his nose everyone became afraid of you. Everyone quickly disbanded rushing to the teacher....everyone except Haruno. He stared at you in disbelief as you collapsed on the ground.

You woke up at a hospital and you were stabilized. You didn't have to pay for your medical fees it was free which was odd. You went back to school and everyone was nice to you even Jacob. You saw resentment in his face though. You don't know why the sudden change but then every now and then you saw Haruno checking up on you. You found it odd. Sometimes even uncomfortable. The reason he did that was to protect you he didn't want to see you hurt again.

Little did you know whatever guardian angel saved him. Was now saving you.

Authors note
Edited 03/24/24

Authors note 2019:
I know this story sort of started off kinda bad but I wanna improve it feedback would be amazing to see what you guys think. Anywayssss thanks to the people still reading :D update authors note it had repeated before so I edited to be regular

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