Chapter Fourteen: Chaos

Start from the beginning

We went to the dormitory to retrieve Namira and Trent's cat, Bello. "Should I be concerned about my cat's life today?" Trent asked nervously as we walked out onto the training grounds. The sun was already rising high in the sky by the time we made it outside; the calm cool morning turned into a brilliant spring day. I shrugged, "I dunno. I just hope he doesn't get mad if Namira pecks him too much."

There were a few others already stationed outside, all either holding their animals tightly, or letting them wander around the grass. I saw two cats get into a little scuffle on the far end of the field; two students went chasing after them. I petted Namira under her beak and she screeched with joy.

The final students eventually made their way onto the training grounds, their animals in tow. Gregory had his owl perched on his arm, it's head swerved back and forth observing all the loose pets. He noticed Trent and I, and came over next to us.

"Hey guys." he said, his owl screeching

"What do you want, Fallin?" I scowled at him

"Thought you'd want to meet the extension to my arm. This is Verena, my screech owl." he proudly held out the arm that was holding her up

"That's great, but I really don't want to make any small talk with you." I said, rolling my eyes

Gregory lowered his voice "I already said I was sorry. What else do you want from me?"

"I want you to stay away from professor Snape!" I shouted at him. The whole class of waiting students quickly turned their attention to me. My face started to burn as I took Namira over to an empty part of the training grounds to wait for professor Leighton. It didn't take long after that for him and professor Dutour to show up. They each were wearing long sleeves, and collars up to their chins. Professor Leighton strolled across the field and clapped his hands together, "Come in closer, everyone. Please. I need everyone to be able to hear my words."

We all congregated in front of him as he took a look around, smiling at all of the interesting creatures we had brought with us. "Thank you everyone for following directions. You need not worry too much about your precious furry friends. They will only be used in a demonstration."

Everyone looked at each other anxiously. Professor Leighton directed Dutour to stand next to him. "If everyone could please put their beloved pets on the ground." with growing uncertainty, I set Namira on the grass. She flapped her wings, but stayed put. "This exam is on one of the most dangerous parts of the dark arts: chaos." he pointed at Bello, who had wrapped himself into a ball at Trent's feet, "Confundo!" professor Leighton exclaimed as he aimed his wand towards Bello. Suddenly, the cat sprung up from the ground and started to hiss, slashing his claws across Trent's ankles.

"Ow, you little bugger!" Trent said, grabbing his leg. "What did you do to my cat?!"

"I thought you of all people would know, Laywood." professor Dutour said to him coldly

Professor Leighton walked down the line of students, casting Confundus on each of their animals. Soon, every single animal had been hit with the charm. The cats were scratching, biting and running into each other, while the owls couldn't seem to make it off of the ground without knocking one another out of the air. The only toad in the group hadn't moved, but had flopped over onto its back and started kicking its legs.

As we stood there, watching our animals run amok, professor Leighton grinned and pointed to Melissa. "You there, Ms. Woodrew. Explain to me the Confundus charm." Melissa thought for a moment, her cat attempting to eat it's own tail, "It's the confusion charm, isn't it?"

"Very good. Confusion is chaos. Chaos happens in everyday life more than we give it credit for. Have you not gone a single day without something out of place? That is chaos, my dear students. And to know how to counteract the chaos, may be the only way you save yourself in a tragic situation." he pointed to the animals "Your test begins now. Control the chaos."

Oliver Evans is The Prodigy of the Heart (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now