Dragon Invasion: Arrival of the Promised Time

Start from the beginning

"There are two ways that the Eclipse Gate can be used. The first is the obvious way. It can be used as a gateway to travel to either the past or the future. The second way is the Eclipse Cannon. This is the only weapon that could defeat the 10,000 dragons."

"WHAT?!" everyone exclaimed in shock.

'IT CAN DEFEAT THE 10,000 DRAGONS?!' Mirai Lucy screamed in her head. Why had she never heard of this before?!

"Wait so you're our ally?" Yukino asked in a confused tone.

"We can defeat the dragons now!" Natsu cheered with Happy.

Lucy sighed. "That's a relief."

Wendy's eyes narrowed. "Hang on. What's the catch?" she asked in a suspicious tone.

"It's not as simple as the rest of you are thinking. Seven years in the future, I came from, the world is completely dominated by dragons. Only 10% of humanity is still existing, hiding in constant fear that they will be destroyed."

"That's depressing to hear." several muttered. "And on the very top is the ruler of that world in the future is Acnologia."

"WHAT?!" everyone shouted in shock and horror. Future Rogue nodded. "That's right. Acnologia sits at the top of the world with no one being able to challenge his rule. Any that dares to try is completely eradicated."

"What about Zeref? And the Kaiju? The gods? Couldn't they do anything?"

"They all tried with everything they had, and they all failed. The gods did not seem to care enough to intervene. But there was one thing I and several others noticed about Acnologia."

Everyone tilted their heads in confusion. "What was it?" Happy asked as Future Rogue frowned.

"Something had changed in Acnologia after the GMG. He was far more brutal. More vicious in tearing his opponents into shreds. He didn't even look like he enjoyed it like before. It was like he finally snapped and is always on a rampage against everything and everyone in his way. When anyone manages to ask why did he change, he would always say the same thing. You took everything precious to me, so now I will do the same to all of you. This world has scorned me for the last time, so now I reject it and everyone that lives on it!"

'Oh Daddy.' Wendy sadly thought, knowing exactly why her father changed. 'Be wary Wendy. I don't trust this guy at all.' Wendy mentally nodded. 'Agreed. It's similar to how we felt about Arcadios, but the difference is I can tell there is malice behind his facade.'

"What happened to Naruto Marvell?" Natsu asked. Future Rogue shrugged his shoulders. "No one knows. They never heard from him after the GMG."

He sighed. "Back to the matter at hand, we need to stop this as no one else is currently capable of fighting a dragon, regardless of your magic," Rogue stated. "That's where you're wrong. I bet if we all work together. We can do this." Natsu retorted in a confident tone.

Future Rogue shook his head. "It's not that simple. On this day, someone prevented the gate from being opened and that decision led to our destruction."

"What do you plan to do with this person?" Mira asked with trepidation. "Simple. I am going to kill them." Future Rogue grimly answered.

Several of the mages flinched, while Wendy and Loke narrowed their eyes. "Isn't that a bit extreme?" Carla inquired. "There should be another way to stop this person." Lucy pleaded.

"Sometimes words are not enough to change a person. This person must die to save millions to billions of lives that currently live in the world."

"Who is this person, anyway?" Natsu asked. Everyone tensed as Future glared at the group, and one person in particular. "That person is YOU! Lucy Heartfilia!" Rogue exclaimed as he launched a shadow blade towards the stellar mage.

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