Invasion Part II: Battle of the Slayers and the Mages

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Hello everyone! Welcome to the next installment of RDK! This is the second part of the three-part finale of this arc. This chapter will focus on the struggle of the mages and dragon slayers. Naruto won't make a physical appearance. But his battle will be felt by everyone in the capital.

Trust me, no one is going to like it, but they'll have to endure it while focusing on their own battles. I promise that Naruto's battle is going to be crazy and I will do my absolute best to deliver, just as I will do my best for these upcoming fights. I did my best to make the fights as interesting as possible, but let them drag out for too long. But doing original fights for sixteen fights (keep in mind, some of these are following the same groups, but with different fights) is not easy and was very taxing. I really hope you all enjoyed these fights. Also for reference, all of the additional dragons in the chapters are based on dragons from Yugioh to help you visualize them much easier.

Expect some crazy things to happen during this invasion. Happy Halloween Everyone!

Now then, let the second part of the invasion begin!

Invasion Part II: Battle of the Slayers and the Mages

"HAHAHAHAHA! Aren't I lucky dragon!" Zirconis bellowed as looked down at all the soldiers and mages surrounding the area. The soldiers were rather intimidated by the hulking beast looming over them. The mages, while anxious, stared back at the dragon defiantly.

"What's so amusing, Zirconis?" Grandeeney asked. continued to keep her guard up against her draconian enemy

"Oh, isn't it obvious, Grandeeney? There was no way I could handle fighting Naruto. You are another story entirely." Zirconis replied with a cheeky grin.

The sky dragon narrowed her eyes at her enemy. "Are you calling me weak?"

Zirconis shook his head."Of course not. I would be a fool to two do so. But let's be honest, if I were to fight Naruto, I would be swiftly killed. But with you, I at least have a chance of staying alive."

Before the sky dragon could retort, a loud explosion illuminated the sky above them. The two dragons and the mages that were not distracted by a hatchling of Motherglare looked up into the skies above them. Despite the dark heavens above, the group could clearly see two silhouettes battling against one another.

Despite the distance, the two dragons could exactly who was fighting in the skies above them. "Those two are really going at it." Zirconis murmured as he watched the two dragons go at it. Truthfully, the fight was a stalemate, but he knew that could easily change in an instant.

Grandeeney frowned as she continued to watch the battle above. She was worried about Naruto as Ghidorah is not an ordinary enemy anyone, even a dragon, could. But she knew he'll find a way to stay on top. He always did. "Naruto will prevail against Ghidorah," Grandeeney said in a resolute tone.

Zirconis looked at the sky dragon with a smug grin. "Oh, how nice, you have such faith in your lover boy." he cheekily replied.

Grandeeney's eyes widen before she glared hotly at the jade dragon. "DAMN IT! I AM NOT IN LOVE WITH NARUTO!" she roared, which would have been intimidating, if not for the red blush she was sporting.

"That reaction says otherwise." an amused Wendy replied. Grandeeney turned to her surrogate daughter in shock "Et Tu, Wendy?!" a betrayed Grandeeney wailed.

Wendy shrugged her shoulders. "C'mon I'm sure he wouldn't mind you. And neither kaa-chan or auntie will be against it." Grandeeney dropped her head in defeat. "I won't be hearing the end of this will I?"

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