Chapter Six: Change

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D.O's POV:

After a while of not seeing Kai it felt strange almost kind of like I dont know just like if he was never here "Kyungsoo Kai's coming back tomorrow night! Aren't you excited?" Lay shouted in joy but I just nodded "cant wait hyung" he smiled and jumped up and down while I sighed "You dont seem too happy" he was right I was scared and nervous of the outcome

Kai and Kris in a room together alone for a week day and night...Something must of happened and I was preparing for full on devastation and disappointment I felt my heart ache and my eyes burn red from holding in tears Lay hugged me "hyung your crying thats cute!! Dont worry I missed Kai and Kris alot too its okay let it out" I sighed and pushed Lay slowly away "im okay hyung" he smiled "okay" I sighed and sat at the living room "Hey Kyungsoo what are you watching?" I looked up and saw Baekhyun I looked at the TV and realized im not even watching TV what so ever "oh...Im not watching TV" I said and he sat next to me, he took the remote and channel served through random channels and settled for a random show I sighed as Kai and Kris came up in a commercial then he just turned the TV off he turned and looked at me "D.O are you okay?" I smiled "y-yhea" I said and he frowned "Kyungsoo?..are you worried?" I frowned and bit my lip to avoid crying "Yes..its killing me you know Baek" he nodded "I know, it must be tough" he sighed and I looked at him with my burning red eyes "W-whats wrong?" He shuck his head "that dosent matter...what matters is you" he looked at me and smiled he touched my hand and I blushed "h-hyung?" He frowned "im sorry...Did I ever tell you?" I paused and wondered What he ment I shuck my head "n-no..." I said and he smiled he tilted my chin and smirked

I gulped and felt my heart race "B-Baekhyun?" He smiled "Kyungsoo you dont even know how badly I've been wanting to kiss your nice sweet soft pink lips" my eyes widened and he went in for a deep wet long kiss my heart raced and my cheeks burned red feeling his tongue in my mouth felt good b-but wrong I felt his hands roam my hair. He held me close and he didn't brake the kiss until I pushed him away "Kyungsoo do you know I love you?" I licked my lips and stared at him annoyed and bothered "Baekhyun!! AISH!! DONT PLAY WITH ME" I yelled and felt myself blush and turn bright red "IT ISNT FUNNY" he got closer to me and got on me and I couldnt get him off he smiled and stared in my eyes "I love you and im not playing...your so beautiful kyungsoo" I shuck my head and closed my mouth tightly until he pinched my butt I shouted and he kissed me again he laid me down on the couch and I saw him getting ready to remove my clothes but I denied it "NO I WONT DO IT WITH YOU!" He licked my ear and felt myself turn red I shuck my head fiercely "s-stop it Baek!! You have Chanyeol go to him!" He shuck his head "I love not playing Kyungsoo I've always loved you I was jealous of you and Kai and to be honest I dont want him near you he's perfect he's better than me so im scared that he'll beat me...I love you kyungsoo so please love me too" I shuck my head "No, sorry Baekhyun but he's the only one that I love and ever will thats just how it'll be" Baekhyun sighed and frowned "If you ever change your here for you" I rolled my eyes and sighed "Aish!! Kai were are you!?" I got my phone and called him

"Hello?" I heard Kai's voice and I felf myself freak out I felt my heart burst and myself stutter as I was ready to speak "KAI" I shouted and I heard him chuckle "Hi hyung how are you I miss you" I melted, hearing him say hyung, that's all I wanted to hear just to be happy was his voice

"I miss you more!....Kai come home fast please!" "I will Kyungsoo dont worry ill be home before you know it" I felt tears roll down my face "Kai..I love you" "Aaaaww hyung dont cry please..I have something for you so be happy" I nodded "Im sorry I just miss you so much" "Take care hyung see you soon" I nodded "bye Kai I love you!" I hung up and sighed

Kai's POV:

I hung up and looked at Kris who was shaking his head I sighed "Why didn't you tell him?" I shuck my head "Its okay lets just not tell him? Please?!" He sighed "Kai it isn't right to keep secrets from your hyung...if you want I'll tell him" I shuck my head "Ill tell him..." I felt my heart ache and Kris smiled "Kai? I'm sorry" I shuck my head "Its my fault...I shouldn't have slept with you..." Kris frowned "I feel bad for D.O...he was probably relying on you" I felt myself get sad and I let the tears fall "Kris! Please? Please please I'll beg you I'll do anything D.O cant know he can't please Kris I beg of you" Kris sighed and nodded "fine but the guilt is on you Kai" I nodded "yhe yhea sure I dont care thank you thank you Kris" I sighed in relief and smiled "I don't know what my hyung would have done" I smiled

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