Chapter Two: Two wrongs dont make it right

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D.O's POV:

He said he loved me which made me more and more in love with him, he said he'd be my first second third until the end.....he has a way of making me fall in love with him a way of making my heart flutter. He was my first, Jongin had become special and much more than just a friend to me I loved him so much & he made me happy I couldn't really understand how this ended up like this but I liked it and I hoped for the best when it came to him and me.

I laid in my bed starring at the ceiling just thinking about him

*Knock Knock* the door opened and I saw Baekhyun walk in smiling brightly he seems suspicious I sit up and stare as he closes the door behind him "Yhea?" I ask and he burst out laughing I smile as he laughs "what?" I ask feeling curious and as he laughs harder I start getting annoyed I hit him with a pillow and he tries to contain himself and sighs

"HYUNG YOU'RE A VIRGIN!" He laughed & at that moment my heart sank my whole world and happiness came crashing down like an astroid. I felt dirty, betrayed, and used I frowned and yelled at him "G-Get out! Get out know!" I pushed him out the door and I locked the door to let the tears roll down I yelled and slammed the floor just wanting to punch Kai to just torture him for what he did he didn't love me! He used me...he he lied & & I couldn't believe it he betrayed me and he didn't love me..he used me! I cried harder letting all the tears fall until there were no more left I sobbed and just shuck in the cold of the ground maybe hoping the floor could console me like if I would gain some happiness from just laying there

Kai's POV:

I was smiling out the window just thinking of him I sighed and decided to go to his room to say hi or something when I came out I saw Baekhyun laughing I raised an eyebrow "what's so funny?" I asked "Oh Oh! Kai your going to laugh so hard!...D.O is a virgin" he laughed and I felt my heart sink my eyes widened and I was completely chocked "Who told you?!" I chuck him and he stopped laughing when he saw the serious look on my face "Why? Does it really matter?"

"It does to me! This matters to me! Did you tell him?" He slowly nodded and I frowned I let him go and knocked on his door "D.O! D.O? Please open please it's me your hyung! Look D.O I didn't tel anyone really I didn't! I would never do that to you! Please open up so we can talk hyung! D.O!" I slammed at the door but I didn't get an answer I frowned and sat at the front of his door waiting for him to come out I could hear him sniffing and crying breathing and probably even suffering I frowned and felt tears fall from my eyes "Kyungsoo I love you, you know that I would never hurt you that way you know I wouldn't hyung please just open the door!...It wasn't me" I closed my eyes and rested my head on the door "Kyungsoo!" I felt the time fly by it was exactly 3:00 but that changed to 4:00 and after a while I didn't hear him I sighed maybe he went to sleep "Kyungsoo please? Just open for me please! Can we talk?!"

"Kai what happened? You keep shouting at the door" Suho asked and I stood up drying the tears on my face "I need to talk to D.O.." I said and Suho looked at me strange "D.O isn't home though" my eyes widened and I looked at him "what? But he hasn't come out of his room" Suho shrugged his shoulders and showed me a picture of D.O with Suzie from Miss A's I felt a feeling in my heart it was painful and I hated it I sighed "oh, okay at least...he's happy" I frowned and smiled at him "Are you okay?" Suho looked at me like if he could see behind my lies and I smiled brightly "of course I am" he starred at me and frowned "Sorry Kai.." He walked into the living room and when he left I let a tear fall i went into my room and felt the time fly by so fast and before I knew it 7:00 turned to 9:00 and 9:00 turned to 11:00 waiting for Kyungsoo seemed to last years but I would wait for him all my life if I had to because for him I'd do anything to be with

I heard the front door open I jumped up and walked into the kitchen I stopped and stared into his eyes

D.O's POV:

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