Chapter Five: Trust and Love

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D.O's POV:


I felt the tears roll down and felt myself just explode in the parking lot as I cried I felt arms around me "Why are you crying?" I turned and saw Kai I wiped the tears off and smiled "I AM NOT!..Its allergies look I gotta go home okay so I'll see you at home have fun" he held me close and kissed me "Hyuung!" He hugged and cuddled me and I felt annoyed "I love you" I nodded "Yhea Yhea I know" he looked at me and frowned "Hyung what's the matter?" I frowned "Kai,..I trust you" he smiled "W-What do you mean?...w-wait you thought...OH GOD!" He laughed and I frowned "WHAT WHAT?!" He smiled and kissed me "Hyung I love you and only you!! You have nothing to worry about okay?" I smiled and blushed "okay." He turned me around and kissed my lips deeply and passionately it was a kiss that made me warm on the inside and out that turned my stomach in knots and made me remember why I loved Jongin "Hyung?" I asked and he smiled and brushed my hair "Yes?"

"I love you okay so don't do anything to make me regret it. . ." he smiled and kissed me one last time "I won't. . .you too okay?" And I smiled and nodded at him "Bye Hyung see u home" he walked inside and left me dancing on the inside and smiling on the outside I felt a vibration coming from my phone I checked it it was a message

Kai: I love you :)

D.O: I love you too

I felt happy now and I couldn't ask for more. I got home and saw Lay sleeping on Chanyeol's lap I smiled and walked into the kitchen where Luhan and Sehun were preparing well at least trying to prepare dinner "Need help?.." I asked and didn't wait for a answer I just pushed them away and started cooking "Hyung no fair! Your always cooking I know how to cook too!" Luhan said annoyed and Sehun shuck his head "No. You don't" I laughed "Its okay I like cooking" Luhan and Sehun shrugged and walked away

Lay's POV:

I woke up and wiped the slobber off my mouth and Chanyeol's thighs he laughed as I tried whipping it off I smiled and walked into the kitchen as I smelled something yummy "Smells good!" D.O smiled "I'm making Beef for the members" my stomach growled and he looked at me "want a taste?" I nodded and he gave me a small piece to taste

"HYUNG!" He looked at me scared and nervous "Its GOOD!" He smiled as I hugged him "Aish of course it is, its D.O king of the kitchen" he smiled "thanks Yixing" I smiled and nodded "mmmm So where's Kai?" He shrugged "I don't know maybe he's still modeling" I nodded "maybe" I turned and saw Chanyeol he rubbed his red tired eyes and brushed his messy hair he grabbed a apple and ate it as he stared at me and D.O "What?" D.O asked and he waved "Hi" he smiled and ate his apple "Why are you smiling?" D.O asked Chanyeol I just stood there and decided to get another piece of the beef since he was distracted

"Just cause...Mmmm what's that?" He walked over and ate a piece "Beef, and stop getting some you have to wait till dinner" D.O hit Chanyeol and I, We laughed at his pathetic punches and walked into the living room "Hey hyung I'm bored let's do something tonight all of us Yhea?" Chanyeol asked and I nodded "Yhea let's" I said and he nodded "Let's play games then watch a movie" I agreed. Tao walked out along with Baekhyun Xiumin Sehun and Luhan  "Someone say movie?" Tao asked and Baekhyun nodded "Let's watch a scary one!" Then Xiumin shuck his head "NO! I'm too scared" Luhan wrapped his arm around him and smiled "Its okay I'm here" Xiumin smiled "Aish you are all too childish let's watch a comedy" Baekhyun said "NO NO NO! Let's watch a romance movie" Sehun suggested and Lay just shuck his head "No me and Chanyeol agreed to watch a action movie they all frowned and pouted " It'll be fun and besides D.O made beef" Baekhyun nodded "Okay I'm up for it!" He sat down in front of the TV and waited as the members started sitting down

Tao came and sat on me I laughed "Aish Tao there's still space over there" as I pointed Suho sat at the last space left I sighed "Fine whatever" he wrapped his arms around me and smiled "You smell nice vanilla and strawberries" I smiled "Thank you hyung you look good" Tao smirked "I always do Yixing!" He boasted and I pushed him to the ground he pouted "Oops" I said and I picked him back up to make up for it he looked at me upset and angry, I hugged him and smiled "forgive me hyung! It was a joke" I smiled and kissed his cheek he blushed "Okay Okay I forgive you" "Shhhh! The movies going to start you two!" Baekhyun said and we nodded and sat back to watch the movie

D.O's POV:

As the members watched the movie I left the plate of beef on the table they all got some until the plate was clean I sighed "You guys Kai and Kris have to eat too Aish" I got the plate and took it to the kitchen I sat at the table and decided to make cookies I started humming then I heard a ring I answered "Hello?" "D.O? Yhea. . .ugh we can't make it home, Kris and I are staying for a week were going to stay at a hotel. the modeling agency wants us to do more photoshoots I'll see you in a week hyung I love you goodnight take care" I frowned "I love you too Hyung goodnight" I hung up and walked into my room "Hey D.O? What's the matter where are the cookies?" Baekhyun asked and I shuck my head "I'm tired hyung tomorrow maybe" i walked in my room and sat at m bed with the window open being able to stare at the stars

Why would I always get upset? Only when Kai isn't here. . .Only when he's not with me, When he's with someone else. I can do it without him I can be independent....I don't need him at my side to be happy I can learn to live without him, I know I can..If it doesn't bother him when were away why should it bother me?


"D.O?" Baekhyun walked in I looked at him "Are you okay?" I nodded "Yea why?" He closed the door behind him and sat next to me I stared at him kind of annoyed that he was in my room "Hyung...I'm sorry" he touched my hand and stared into my eyes "I didn't mean to be rude to you, I just I don't know you and Kai? It gets me a little angry doesn't Kai always you know?...cheat?" My eyes felt watery and my heart got heavy I was ready to cry "NO! Don't cry please! Hyung I just wanted to let you know...I mean he kissed Luhan when he had told Tao he loved him back I don't know hyung I'm telling you as a friend Are you sure you really love Kai?" He frowned and I bit my lip "Baek?..I-I-I want to love him I want to trust him!!" I bursted out in tears and I hugged him tightly "I want to... Believe that he can change..because I love him and I know he can do it" he sighed and patted my back "If he doesn't kiss or sleep with Kris during the modeling gig that means maybe he has changed for good..We'll just have to wait and see" he smiled and kissed my forehead "C'mon hyung don't torture yourself come out and watch the movie with us!" He smiled and dragged me out to all the smiling hyungs I smiled and nodded he was right why torture yourself when you don't even know what's going to happen yet

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