"Do you need help sir?" Frank asked sleepily rubbing his eye.

Gerard glanced behind himself quickly to see Frank already behind him almost too close.

"Eh, No—No I believe I've got it." He said masking him embarrassment with a chuckle.

He shifted the metal spatula to no avail. He still heard the boy's bare feet shifting against the floor behind him, he let out another laugh before saying,

"I must say, i'm quite offended that you see me as so helpless-" Gerard started to add.

He let out a hum of surprise as he felt Frank snaking his way between himself and the oven, standing up straight again to place his hand on top of Gerard's. The shorter boy silently guided the spatula under Gerard's hand, skillfully flipping the pancake as if it was second nature.

"You have to be quick but gentle." Frank said. The boy turned around and smiled up at the man.

Gerard stared moronically at the boy. At his smile and the glittering sparkles in his joyful eyes. Frank's beauty was unmatchable and only made greater by the innocents that he carried.

"Thank you." Gerard said. He only trusted himself to say those two words before closing his mouth again.

"You're welcome, sir." Frank replied before pushing is face into Gerard's chest. Gerard placed his hands at the boy's back as he rubbed his cheek against him affectionately.
He still felt out of body as they embraced each other, Frank's warmth was exhilarating.

"Sir there's—Oh" A maids voice,

Gerard felt Frank go tense in his arms before whimpering. He rubbed a hand down the boy's back to comfort him.

"What is it?" Gerard asks.

"A man is here for you, a Dallon Weekes." She said questioningly.

"I'll be there in a moment." Gerard said with a tinge of attitude. The maid nodded and retreated back into the hall.

He hadn't been expecting Dallon today. Or any day for that matter. After canceling he and Frank's get together he had hoped that the man would take a hint and forget about Frank.

Gerard removed the pancake from the stove when it was ready, with no help from Frank this time.

"Gee," Frank said with a muffled voice.

"Yes, kitten?"

"I don't want Dallon right now. I want you." He admitted.

Gerard could physically feel his ego swell at that though he didn't let it show. "It's alright, darling, wait here." He said running a hand over the boy's hair.

As Gerard  Made his way towards the door  he noticed Bert who sitting was sitting on a cushioned chair in the hall, gaming device from last christmas in hand. The boy glanced up at Gerard for a moment before smirking.

Gerard didn't allow Bert's teasing to get to him, he was nearly immune.

The maid from before stood at the main entrance.

"He's waiting in the vestibule, sir." She informed him. Gerard nodded at her muttering a "thank you," before she excused herself.

Gerard inhaled deeply running a hand over the lower part of his button down that Frank has creased a bit. He smiled at the wrinkles that he would usually find himself scowling at. He couldn't be embarrassed of the imperfections simply because Frank was the one who'd caused it.

Opening the door he was met with natural light for the first time in quite a while, though he resisted squinting showing any form of  his discomfort in the presents of Dallon.

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