"Nick you're late." My English professor, Mrs. Smith, pointed out.

"Yeah and?" he said.

"And I'm going to have to write you up for a detention." She said.

"So what else is new?" he commented.

"Just take your seat." Mrs. Smith sighed before turning her attention back to a student she was helping.

Nick walked back to the back of the classroom and took the last available seat, which of course was next to mine.

"You're the new chick from America, aye?" he asked me, while he eyed me up and down my whole body.

"I'm Nick." He added.

"And I'm not interested." I said to him.

"Awe come on, don't be like that." He insisted moving his seat closer to mine.

"Nick leave her alone she said she wasn't interested." The girl in front of me said.

"Why don't you mind your own business Geordie?" Nick snapped at her.

"Well why don't you stop being the obnoxious dick that you are? Oh wait doesn't look like that's going to happen, so no." she contradicted, Nick just rolled his eyes.

"Oh Geordie you know you want this." Nick said to her.

"Too bad I have a boyfriend."

"Yeah who is it again? That prick Clifford?" Nick commented. My attention was drawn to the name. Did he mean Michael?

"Yes, now move before you say something you regret." She threatened him.

"Oh, I'm so scared." He sarcastically trembled. "Eh you're not worth my time anyway." He shrugged her off.

"You on the other hand." He said turning his attention to me and eyed me up and down again. "If you ever need anything, you can always find me." He said a crooked grin grew on his face. He stood up and went to our teacher and she gave him a pass and left the room, he failed to return back to class.


As the bell rang ending English. Geordie stood in my way so I would have to talk to her.

"Sorry about Nick, he can be such an asshole." She said.

"Can be?" I repeated.

"Fine is." She laughed. "You're Lauren right?"

"Yes" I responded as we walked out of our classroom and she followed me down the hall towards my locker.

"Well I'm Geordie, and man you walk fast." She laughed trying to keep up with me.

"Well I have to meet my friend." I told her.

"Oh and who's your friend?" she inquired.

"Luke Hemmings"

"Oh are you two dating?" she asked perking up as we reached my locker.

"No" I sternly defended myself.

"Oh sorry." She apologized.

"He's my neighbor." I explained her. I opened my locker and started exchanging books that I need to take home since it was the end of the day.

"Wait he's your neighbor?" she asked.

"Yeah I just said that." I looked at her with concern.

"So you know Michael Clifford right?" she asked.

"Yeah he's my neighbor as well as my friend." I told her.

I left out that Mike and I hung out last night, because if this was going the way I think it was going then it would be smart not to mention that I was over at his house last night watching Spiderman movies. I don't need to start any drama let alone get involved in any.

"He's actually my boyfriend." She told me.

To be honest, I knew she was going to say that, I made the conclusion already that she's dating Michael, and truthfully I feel jealousy towards her that she is dating him. It's a mix of envy but also anger that Michael failed to mention he had a girlfriend and had the nerve to invite me to his house so we could hangout when he has a girlfriend.

"I'm glad to hear that your friends with him, he doesn't socialize a lot because he's always practicing in that band of his." she explained to me.

"Yeah 5 Seconds of Sum-" I started but she cut me off grabbing my arm, some of my bruises were visible and I guess she noticed them while I was exchanging my books.

"Oh my god, what happened to your arm?" she asked shocked examining my limb.

I quickly pulled my arm away from her grip and slammed my locker shut, turning towards the exist.

"Hey" Geordie yelled after me. She started following me down the hall trying to catch up with me as I made my way outside.

"Hey" she said catching up with me and grabbed my arm, right on one of my bruises, to stop me. I winced in pain and pulled away again, but she pulled me towards her so I would face her.

"Do you mind?" I snapped at her, no angry that she's dragging this on, not minding her own business.

"Well are you going to answer the question?" she demanded.

"No" I said.

"Why not?" she questioned me.

"Because I just meet you!" I argued.


"It's none of your business Geordie; you know nothing about me, where I came from, or what I've been through. That's why." I said storming off leaving her standing there and for me to walk home.

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